Hannah’s Legacy Foundation Dear Editor, The Hannah’s Legacy Foundation would like to thank everyone that attended and/or contributed to our 1st annual golf outing and dinner that took place on Monday June 25. Eighty-four golfers participated and an additional 30 or so guests attended dinner. The generosity of the sponsors, golfers and the entire community […]
“1st Responders Appreciation Day” Dear Editor, What a wonderful day at the O.A.T.S. farm as we honored our local heroes on June 24. Members of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, along with Groveland, Brandon, Waterford, and Commerce Township fire departments, as well as the Madison Heights Police Department and Starr EMS were represented. The purpose […]
(In response to “No more circuses,” a letter by Rose Kerr, The Citizen, June 16, page 7) Don’t support PETA Dear Editor, To Rose Kerr regarding PETA… if you are a pet owner please do your research on the PETA. You should NOT be supporting such an organization. They are against pet ownership and would […]
Throwing the village under the bus Dear Editor, During the regular Goodrich Council meeting (June 11) perhaps the Village most important asset was unceremoniously dismissed. Councilmen Vick, Barraco and Light voted not to renew Administrator/Clerk Jakki Sidge’s Contract. There was no charge of incompetency or lack of performance, only that a stipulation in her contract […]
Thank you Brandon families Dear Brandon Families, On behalf of the Brandon Transportation Department, we would like to thank our parents and students for all your love and support for the last five months. Although we did not prevail in our struggle to stay Brandon School bus drivers, our transportation team will leave knowing they […]
(In response to Board doing their homework, a letter by Diane Salter, The Citizen, May 16, page 10). Letter unprofessional, disrespectful Dear Editor, It is with concern that I read the article from Brandon Schools Board President. As an educator for 40 plus years I found the letter to be unprofessional and not fitting of […]
Demand change Dear Editor, After attending the meeting of the Brandon School Board this week, I can’t help but feel the wave of disappointment that has come over our community. The meeting was both heartwarming and heartless, simultaneously. Many parents and tax payers spoke the truth about what the school board is doing to our […]
Real, objective solutions Dear Editor, I have been reading the ongoing discussion that originally was about gun control. When all is said and done sir, the issue isn’t about what you know about guns. Or what this person or that person does not. It’s about the safety of the public and our precious children and […]
Our hearts are broken Dear Editor, We moved into our dream home at 301 Sleepy Hollow in 1999. Our girls were babies and our boys were in 1st, 2nd, and third grades. This was supposed to be our forever home. However, almost 20 years later, circumstances dictated otherwise. Keith was diagnosed with 2 very serious […]
Thank you Dear Editor, I’d like to publicly acknowledge and thank the organizers and members of the Lion’s Club who showed up at my house last Saturday, to rock and rake. At age 88, I’m less and less able to do things like yard cleanup and window washing on a ladder, so I’m enormously grateful […]