Council OKs village new sewer district

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- During the regular Monday night meeting, the village council unanimously approved a resolution to create a drainage district. The resolution is part of an effort to investigate the feasibility of hooking onto the Genesee County sewer system. “This project is a completely different approach to sanitary sewers than what […]

Sharin’ O’ the Green

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Community Emergency Fund is holding their Sharin’ O’ the Green fundraiser again this year for the month of March. “All monetary donations that OCEF receives during the month of March will be matched (up to $2,500) by an anonymous donor,” said Robin Loughlin, OCEF vice chair. “This is […]

‘We are fighting for our country’

By David Fleet Editor Along side a group of militia entrenched somewhere in central Ukraine, Anna Sorochynska conveyed a message to Americans. “This year, 2022 is our 1783, and freedom is not free, so we want the world to know about the strength, determination and courage of our defenders,” said Sorochynska. “Here we are fighting […]

A cut above

A cut above

From left, Ceanna Clayton, Lance Fisher and Zoey Meeker. On Wednesday, students in the Brandon woodworking class made Adirondack chairs. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

M-15 traffic, congestion draw township concern

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Residents on Wolfe Road along with the township planning commission are awaiting a speed study from a company that wants to operate a concrete recycling center at 104 Wolfe Road. The company came to the planning commission on Feb. 8 for a special use permit, and the issue was […]

Ambulance wait times among highest in county

By David Fleet Editor Area residents needing an ambulance should be prepared to wait. Genesee County 911 recently provided a two-year response time study. According to the report, in 2021 of 32 communities Atlas Township had the 28th slowest response time, while the Village of Goodrich is 31st. Argentine and Genesee townships along with the Village of […]

School board seeks four bond project bids

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the regular meeting on Feb. 14, the Brandon Board of Education voted unanimously to move forward with four requests for proposals on bond projects. The projects include the Harvey Swanson playground, the Oakwood parking lot, additional Security cameras and an updated telephone with an emergency communication system. The new […]

Suspects jailed following police chase

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-A team effort that included Michigan State Troopers, a canine unit, along with local officers landed armed suspects in jail. At 9:20 p.m., Feb. 19, Michigan State Police Metro Detroit, were advised that a stolen vehicle was being pursued into northern Oakland County by Genesee County local law enforcement agencies […]

All you need is love

All you need is love

Mathew and Jade, both 5 years old and kindergarten students at Reid Elementary School exchange Valentine’s Day cards on Feb. 14. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Masks to be optional

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the regular Monday night meeting, the Brandon Board of education unanimously voted to strongly recommend universal masking for all students, staff and guests at Brandon Schools, but to allow personal choice for each individual beginning Feb. 28. The vote comes after the Oakland County Health Department announcement on Feb. […]