Goodrich Girls Powerlifting team tops at state competition

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich Girls Powerlifting coach Ron Roberts will soon sport a new look thanks to the stellar performance of his team this past weekend. “I’ll be dying my beard on April just before the powerlifting banquet,” said Roberts. “The girls picked half purple and half magenta—my beard will be a split color.” […]

Lions, Masons scholarships for Brandon

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Local scholarships are available to Brandon seniors for the upcoming college or trade programs. “This is not as hard as they’re making it out to be. Write one essay and make copies of it,” said Kim Bishop, a member of the Ortonville Lions. “Get out there, the deadline is April […]

Harvey Swanson Zooms in on family literacy night

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On March 16, staff and students at Harvey Swanson Elementary communed via Zoom for their annual family literacy night for the lower elementary students as part of March is Reading Month. “Last year’s literary night was unfortunately canceled due to the pandemic,” said Loren Mitten, first grade teacher and host […]

‘The hardest year to coach’

By David Fleet Editor In 1980, Post-It Notes came on the market, a new video game called Pac-Man was the rage and Ronald Reagan was elected president.The same year Coach Gary Barns started at Goodrich High School as an assistant to JV Boys Basketball Coach John Joslin. More than 40 years and 600 high school […]

Goodrich Girls Powerlifting Team state championship bound

By David Fleet Editor Purple may soon be Ron Robert’s Goodrich Girls Powerlifting team favorite color. “I’ve challenged my team. I’ll dye beard any color they want if they take home three state championships and two runners,” laughed Roberts. “There is much debate but purple is the color of choice.” Robert’s new beard hue may soon […]

Leadership key for Harvey Swanson Fifth Grade Safety Team

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Twenty students at Harvey Swanson Elementary school are working hard to help their fellow students. This year, the students in the Fifth Grade Safety Team are tasked with holding doors, arrival monitoring and greeting, hall monitoring, classroom prep, peer mediating/conflict resolution and grounds beautification. “Students have the opportunity to […]

March is Reading Month

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Oakwood Elementary is getting the community involved with March is Reading Month in a new way. “The pandemic hasn’t really made planning difficult for March is Reading month, but it has made us want to focus more on supporting the community and supporting businesses in Ortonville,” said Jessica Hevel, literacy […]

Board OKs school bond refinancing

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer At the regular meeting Monday night, the Brandon School Board of Education voted unanimously to approve a school bond loan fund authorizing resolution. “This is our sixth one that we’ve done in the last several years,” said Jan Meek, Brandon executive director of business services. “And we’re going to say […]

Board OKs iPad Tablets for K-1

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the Monday night regular meeting, the Brandon board of education voted unanimously to purchase IPad Tablets for all kindergarten and first grade students in the district. The cost would be $49,342, including cases. “Last spring we applied for technology funds through the ESSER grant,” said Jan Meek, Brandon executive […]

New management sought for pool

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During a special meeting on Monday night, the Brandon Board of Education discussed the future of the programs at their pool. In December, they received word from the previous management company, Aqua Club, that they were no longer in business. “We entered into a contract three or four years ago […]

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