Be the Change

I said two weeks ago when I wrote about the Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance Youth Recognition Awards, which was on April 25, that it happened to be the same day as Challenge Day at the High school. That is by far one of my favorite days as a BGYA board member. I love volunteering for […]

BGYA Youth Volunteers Focus on the Positive

Eight-year-old Dilyla Laga recalled seeing a homeless man while traveling with her family. The youth encouraged her father to turn around so she could give him $20 of her own money. Dilyla’s story was just one of many shared about local students at what has become one of my favorite yearly events as a community […]

The mystery games before the mystery game

I’ve written before about my love of mysteries. I’ve been a reader of mystery novels for a long time, and I love mystery games and puzzles. Even as a kid, Scooby Doo was one of my favorite cartoons, and I’ve been known to listen to the version of the theme song by Simple Plan on […]

The social aspect of anti-social activities

It’s no surprise that I’ve always been an avid reader. Even as a child, I was rarely without a book. I got in trouble for reading in English class once, no joke. She was not my favorite teacher. But it didn’t discourage me from always having a book with me. And growing up, reading was […]

A rose by any other name

This week I went to pick up a prescription, and when the pharmacist asked my name, I told her ‘Shelby Stewart-Soldan’ which is my full name. She couldn’t find anything under that last name, but eventually found it under ‘Soldan’ which is only half of my last name. I made a joke that the fun […]

Self-publishing 101: an adventure in writing

This week I had the opportunity to speak to local aspiring authors about self-publishing. A few months ago, fellow self-published author Jordan Schwarz approached me about combining our efforts for a self-publishing 101 workshop at the Brandon Township Public Library, and I thought it was a great idea. I write for a living, I love […]

Sick days and comfort TV

I’ve spent this past week working from home due to a wicked flu. I will say, I’ve only had the flu a handful of times in my life. Luckily, I never caught a lot of illness from school. That’s not to say I wasn’t sick. I grew up with a pretty severe dustmite allergy, and […]

A community united

This week I got to attend one of my favorite events: the Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance annual sponsor breakfast. For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m the secretary on the BGYA executive board. Our main mission to help at-risk kids in the Brandon-Groveland community, and our breakfast is a thank-you to everyone in the community who […]

‘Me time’ and the inevitable bookish adventure

I’m a huge supporter of what I like to call ‘me time.’ That means something different for every person. I know a lot of people whose ‘me time’ consists of reading or watching their favorite television show or cooking uninterrupted. Sometimes they peacefully engage in a hobby, or take a bubble bath. My ‘me time’ […]

Always a bridesmaid

This is the first year since 2019 that I’m not standing up in a wedding. Yet. The year is early. But to put it simply, I’ve been maid of honor in two weddings (actually matron, but I don’t feel old enough to have the title ‘matron’), bridesmaid in one wedding, and bride in two weddings. […]