Harvey-Swanson student best friend to many

Family, friends and teachers are remembering Jacob Donald DesJardins as a youth with a passion for outdoor activity and a zest for life. Jacob died July 13, from an accidental drowning in the family’s backyard pool at their Waterford Township home. He was 11. ‘He got up every morning dug his own worms and went […]

Internet scams hit locals, bank offers assistance

Ortonville- Shock. That’s what Leslie Wills, a village resident felt when she checked her bank account on-line at about 10:30 p.m. and noticed an unauthorized $10,000 electronic fund transfer was posted to her account. ‘She checks her on-line banking accounts three times each day,? said Wayne Wills, husband of Leslie. ‘My wife uses EFTs for […]

Space, economy stalling area building permits

Following a surge in 2000, building permits in Atlas, Brandon and Groveland townships have been steady then dropped to a five year low in 2005 according to data from Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and township records. SEMCOG plans and gathers data in areas that cross jurisdictional boundaries in the Southeast Michigan region that encompasses […]

Board OKs new principal

Kurt Sutton, 29, a former elementary assistant principal in the Richmond School District was named principal at Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School at the school board meeting July 10. Sutton replaces longtime principal, Donald Patrick who retired in June. ‘Brandon Fletcher Intermediate is a terrific school,? said Sutton. ‘I’ll aim to continue the tradition of excellence […]

Brandon mathematics icon retires after 31 years

Brandon Twp.-As a new teacher Alice Robb would often kneel down by students? desks to discuss questions they may have. Today, after teaching more than 30 years, instructing about 6,000 students and grading countless reams of homework, Robb just rolls her chair over to the students who need help. ‘Time to start a new adventure,? […]

Locals join efforts to block harassment at funeral

Outspoken religious fanatics, a fallen Marine and a massive show of patriotism. That’s what Dane Lovelady, said drew him to a stoic show of support for American troops on Friday. ‘It’s too bad but it sometimes takes a crises to produce change in our society,? said Lovelady, 57, a Groveland Township resident. ‘It’s unfortunate that […]

Fishing Kearsley Creek, a private affair

Atlas Twp.- Kearsley Creek meanders through woodlots, farmland, past businesses and under roadways flowing north from Brandon Township toward the Flint area. Near Green Road just east of M-15, the Creek crosses township native Ron Snyder’s 10 acre homestead. The Creek, winds about 100 feet from Snyder’s home’creating a placid setting, prime for brown trout […]

Vandals target windows in late night rampage

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville- A shattered front passenger door window may be a clue in a distructive spree that left locals irate and deputies seeking answers. A motorist told deputies that early Monday morning a blue 1990 Ford F-150 pickup passed him on Ortonville Road and shot out his window with a Wrist Rocket […]

Local veteran snags diploma after 62 years

Brandon Twp.- Its been more than 60 years since township resident Al Lozano walked out of Western High School of Detroit and into World War II. In June 1944, Lozano then 18, was drafted just prior to his senior year and was unable to graduate high school. With the encouragement of family members and thanks […]

Touch of Class Dry Cleaners

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville- From tuxedos for proms, wedding, or special occasion to dry cleaning services, a Touch of Class Dry Cleaners, offers a variety of services right next door. New owner Micki Bushey says the local cleaners will strive to be your home town cleaners. ‘We know you’re busy so we’ll offer the […]