Larry Martin presents: ‘An interview with Sgt. Fred Bahlau’

By David Fleet Editor Ortonville— In the early morning hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, Fred Bahlau, a 21-year-old Jackson, Mich. native and paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division, jumped into German occupied Normandy France, miles behind enemy lines. “It’s dark, the fighting is bitter and the American troops are scattered all over the French countryside,” said […]

Goodrich School District seeks 1 mill sinking fund

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich —On Nov. 8, voters in the Goodrich Area Schools district will be asked to consider a 1 mill sinking fund tax levy.  If approved, this levy will create a fund, over a period of 10 years, to provide for additional improvements and repairs of school facilities. A sinking fund is […]

Martians tennis regional champs

By David Fleet Editor Portland — On Oct. 6, the Goodrich Boys Varsity Tennis team won their first outright regional championship at Portland following six previous trips to the state finals as a second place qualifier. Head Coach Roger Conn said the Martians had six flight finalists with three outright flight champions. “The boys performed extremely […]

Despite Covid, remote learning, student test scores tops in county

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich— It was an unprecedented time in education. Millions of students nationwide were sent home to learn remotely due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The long-term impact remains a point of debate and discussion as some of those students are now completing their studies. One of the many indicators of student achievement […]

Stories of Hurricane Ian, sinking dreams, resilience

By David Fleet Editor Ft. Myers— Steve Gotham had always wanted to live on a boat. So in 2019 the former Big Fish Lake resident sold his house and moved to Fort Myers, Fla. There he purchased a 1988 Symbol 52 feet motor yacht. The two bedroom, two head yacht was powered by twin 3208 Caterpillar diesels was docked […]

Deals N Steals

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp. — Deals N Steals have arrived. A pre WWII German harmonica; A 1904 edition of poems by Edger Allan Poe and a portable paint sprayer. Just a few of the hundreds of items available at Deals and Steals, 360 N. Ortonville Road. The new business, located in the Bueche’s […]

Huizenga wins 400th with Martians

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. — The 400 win club for high school soccer coaches added a new member on Wednesday night. Veteran Goodrich Varsity Soccer Coach, Evan Huizenga upped his career record to a 400-185-40 record with a 4-0 shutout of Clio at home. “Thank you players, community, staff, my family, and all […]

Marijuana sales, retail stores soar, prices fall

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.— In July, a group Ortonville Residents for Action circulated a petition to get the measure on the ballot for residents to decide if marijuana establishments should be allowed. The ordinance passed with 221 votes for the ordinance and 216 votes against it. Now, in November township voters will decide on a proposed ordinance that would […]

Foreback delivers first pitch at Comerica Park

By David Fleet Editor Detroit— In more than 27 years of coaching Goodrich Varsity Baseball Head Coach Bob Foreback has many memoriable experiences. But few will top Thursday afternoon in Detroit. At just before 1:10 p.m., Foreback stepped on the mound at Comerica Park and delivered the first pitch of the Kansas City vs. Tigers […]

Renaissance Festival traffic draws ire of neighbors, local officials

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp. — Following a year-long effort to curb ongoing parking issues at the annual Renaissance Festival, a significant blip prompting a host of troubles was reported on Sept. 24. Bob DePalma, township supervisor said the first five of the seven weekends of the festival were OK. “We were optimistic,” said […]

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