By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ian Burke, a senior at Brandon High School, was chosen as one of the 120 finalists for the Michigan High School Athletics Association Scholar Athlete award. Of those 120 finalists, the MHSAA will award scholarships to 32 students state-wide. Thousands of applicants were received for the 2020-2021 school year. Burke, […]
Property damage At 6:10 a.m., on Jan. 12, Brandon deputies responded to a property damage accident in the area of S. Ortonville and Wolfe roads. The caller stated that he thought the driver may have blacked out and drove off of the roadway and hit stuff. The vehicle struck a telephone pole and tension wires […]
(In response to, “COVID vaccine: ‘It’s time to fight back,’” The Citizen, Jan. 16, page 1) Vaccination concern Dear Editor, I totally disagree with Ms. Taylor on mass vaccinations. This vaccine was rushed to market and not FDA approved, FDA authorized is completely different than FDA approved. It is literally impossible to know the short […]
KATHER, KRAIG R. of Springfield Township, Michigan; died January 9, 2021. He was 64. He was born June 21, 1956 in Sharon, Pennsylvania to the late Donald Wayne and Audrey Elaine (nee: Blank) Kather. He is survived by his significant other, Lois Peterson; one brother, Scott (Marla) Kather; nieces and nephews, Ryan Kather, Esther Kather, Rebecca […]
From left, Lucas Goist and James Foley take a ride near Reid Elementary School during a recess break on Friday. The sledding may end this weekend as mild mid-January temperatures are forecasted for Southeastern Michigan. Photo by Patrick McAbee.
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer At the regular meeting on Monday night, the Brandon Board of Education approved board positions for the 2021 calendar year. All votes were unanimous. Lisa Kavalhuna was approved for the position of president, Diane Salter was approved as vice president, Melissa Clark was approved to remain as secretary, and Kimberly […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer At the regular Monday night meeting, the Brandon Board of Education voted 7-0 to approve their COVID-19 Vaccination joint resolution. The resolution is in collaboration with Oxford schools, and requests that in-person educators and school staff members receive priority during phase 1b vaccinations. Other parties in favor of the resolution […]
(In response to, ‘Another Day,’ a poem by Suzanne McGill-Anderson, The Citizen, Jan. 9, page 6) Relish the love Dear Editor, The beautiful poem “Another Day”, by former schoolteacher Suzanne McGill-Anderson, was compelling. We must relish all the love we can during these Covid days, as we try to catch-up with our previous lifestyles. Frank […]
January 11, 2021 RESOLUTION Resolved, that the regular monthly meeting of the Brandon Board of Education, Brandon School District, shall be held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Brandon School District, Central Office, 1025 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville, Michigan, 48462. Regular Meeting Dates February 8, 2021 (2nd Monday […]
SYNOPSIS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ORTONVILLE Monday, January 4, 2021 Rescheduled Regular meeting held virtually via Zoom Item 1: CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. Item 2: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Item 3: MOMENT OF SILENCE TO HONOR RONALD SUTTON Item 4: ROLL CALL: President Brice, President Pro Tempore Hayden, Trustee George, Trustee Nivelt, Trustee Randazzo. Item […]