Leprechaun trap

Ainsley, a first grade student at Reid Elementary School, sets a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
Ainsley, a first grade student at Reid Elementary School, sets a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan 248-627-4332 ssoldan@mihomepaper.com Ortonville — Members of the Ortonville village council hosted a press conference this week to respond to criticism and questions they have received over the decision they made last month to deny the permit for Abigail’s Pride festival. The permit was denied at the regular council meeting in February due […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan 248-627-4332 ssoldan@mihomepaper.com Lansing — Lawmakers approved a series of bills that would repeal the current ban on surrogacy contracts and compensated surrogacy in Michigan. The series of bills, titled the Michigan Family Protection Act, will now head to governor Gretchen Whitmer’s desk, where she is expected to sign it into law. Goodrich […]
This week I had the opportunity to speak to local aspiring authors about self-publishing. A few months ago, fellow self-published author Jordan Schwarz approached me about combining our efforts for a self-publishing 101 workshop at the Brandon Township Public Library, and I thought it was a great idea. I write for a living, I love […]
Everett Roy Smith, 86, of Mesa, Arizona, formerly of Edwardsburg, Michigan, passed away Saturday March 16, 2024 at his son’s home in Mesa, Arizona. He was born in Flint, Michigan to Minnie (Starr) and Allen Smith. He graduated from Ortonville High School and attended VanderCook College in Chicago, Illinois receiving both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees […]
RONALD (Ron) WILLIAM THOMPSON was born on 13 Aug 1947 in Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, USA. He died on 16 Mar 2024 in Grand Blanc, Genesee County Michigan (Ascension Hospital Grand Blanc, Michigan). He was married to Peggy Irene Holloway, daughter of Will Holloway and Enid Mae McDonald. Ron and Peggy were married on 02 […]
The mouse from the children’s book ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’ greets students at Reid Elementary in honor of March is Reading Month. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
I’ve spent this past week working from home due to a wicked flu. I will say, I’ve only had the flu a handful of times in my life. Luckily, I never caught a lot of illness from school. That’s not to say I wasn’t sick. I grew up with a pretty severe dustmite allergy, and […]
Property taxes Many seniors, throughout the years, have complained about paying school taxes even if they haven’t had children in school for many years. Some have never used public schools but they have had to pay school taxes in addition to private school costs. I have heard arguments pro and con for many years, but […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan 248-627-4332 ssoldan@mihomepaper.com Brandon Twp. — During the regular meeting on March 4, the Brandon Township board of trustees voted 6-1 to approve policy changes to eliminate the need for sealed bids for projects over $20,000. “After the last meeting, Kathy asked me to ask our attorney a question, and I did ask […]