Happy hibiscus

A local hibiscus takes advantage of the waning days of summer to bloom. On Sept. 22 autumn arrives and some cooler temperatures. Photo by Patrick McAbee.
A local hibiscus takes advantage of the waning days of summer to bloom. On Sept. 22 autumn arrives and some cooler temperatures. Photo by Patrick McAbee.
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Aug. 23, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Public Act 78 of 2021, which allows people with only one drunk driving offence to have it expunged from their record after five years, given that the incident didn’t result in injury or death. “I’m all for it for first time offenders,” said […]
By David Fleet Editor Play hard, play smart and play together. Few coach legends loom larger in Goodrich sports then Varsity Basketball Coach Gary Barns, whose inspirational quips and enduring diligence have pushed his Martians to a stellar career record of 454-191. “I don’t have a life,” said Barns, 70. “I don’t bowl, smoke, golf […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Citizen Newspaper is proud to honor life-long Ortonville resident Bob McArthur as the 2021 Citizen of the Year. “I’ve been here my whole life,” said McArthur, 72. “My dad was born and raised in the township, Karen’s family goes back to the 1800s here. Neither of us ran off […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.– On Monday night the township board of trustees approved an audit presented by Ken Palka, from the accounting firm of Pfeffer, Hanniford and Palka. Palka reported on the township finances following the completion of the yearly audit ending March 31, 2021. “The township is doing very, very well,” said […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-New trees arrive in the village. On Sept. 9, Village Council member Melissa Schluentz along with neighbors in the Fairview Subdivision planted trees after a Michigan Arbor Day alliance grant was received earlier this year. With the grant five Autumn Blaze Maples were purchased from Brandon Township-based Wojo’s Greenhouse and planted […]
By David Fleet Editor David Castle recalls the faces of family members. “They were lined up along the streets holding pictures of loved ones,” recalls Castle. “They really had no other way to find someone that was in those towers. It was their look of desperation that’s still etched on my mind. I just can’t […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- On Monday night the township board of trustees is expected to approve the future sale of current Michigan State Police Post/Fire Station 1. The asking price on the property and building located on just over two and one half acres of township owned property at 14645 Dixie Highway and […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- During the regular Tuesday night meeting, the board of trustees approved the police liaison contract with Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and Brandon School District for the 2021-2022 school year. The previous contract expired on June 17. The current officer in that position is Jason pence. “We just appreciate […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-On Sept. 1, the township board of trustees voted 4-0 in a special meeting to approve a three-year agreement for preferred ambulance service for 911 calls. Trustee Patrick Major was absent with notice. The township joins Richfield and Davison townships along with the City of Davison with similar agreements from […]