Community Christmas Toy Store

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer As the winter months get closer, people may start shopping for Christmas presents, and the Community Christmas Toy Store is asking for something different this year. “In the past, we have collected toys and games and the parents who qualify for OCEF have shopped for their children at the ‘Toy […]

Halloween Movie Night

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville.-Brandon Recreation, in conjunction with Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance and Tony Randazzo, will be hosting a Halloween Movie Night after trick-or-treating on Oct. 31. “We hope for a good turnout and good weather,” said Fred Waybrant, parks and recreation director. The movie will be at Sherman Village Park at baseball […]

Village inks long-term road plan

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Monday night the village council voted 3-0 to approve the Transportation Asset Management Plan project, proposed by Flint-based Wade Trim. The cost of the project is not to exceed $22,500. Council members Tim Light and Wendy Ciaramitaro were absent with notice. Bid requests for a plan to manage the village […]

State bound: Lady Martians golf

State bound: Lady Martians golf

The Lady Martians finished in 2nd place behind Cranbrook Kingwood to qualify for the State Tournament In East Lansing on Oct. 17 at Forest Acres East.  Regional Champions Cranbrook carded a team score of 355 followed by Goodrich 365 and Macomb Lutheran finished in the 3rd with a 369. Goodrich golfer Madeline Swett finished 4th […]

Misek will resign from planing commission

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- For nearly a quarter of a century Rick Misek has served on the township planning commission. Effective Nov. 15, Misek will step down from the board. Misek, began his public service in 1994 as a member of the Citizens for Planned Growth group. “At that time the township were […]

Audit:Village of Ortonville coffers continue to grow

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-Aaron Stevens, a CPA with Maner Costerisan, presented the annual financial statements and auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 at last Monday’s village council meeting. The village board voted 7-0 to approve the audit. According to the audit, the revenues for the fiscal year 2019-20 were […]

Township takes aim at slower speeds

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- During the Monday night board meeting, the township board against a resolution to ask for enactment of legislation to lower the speed limit to 45 miles per hour on dirt roads. The vote was 3-4 with trustees Dana DePalma and Bob Marshall and supervisor Kathy Thurman voting for […]

District extends interim superintendent offer

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer At the special board meeting on Monday night, the Brandon Board of Education voted 7-0 to extend a contingency offer to Dr. Karl Heidrich for the position of interim superintendent. “The Brandon Board of Education has extended an offer to Dr. Karl Heidrich from Stockbridge Community Schools to be our […]

2021 State budget spares school cuts

By David Fleet Editor Michigan Gov Gretchen. Whitmer formally adopted next year’s state budget on Sept. 30, one day before the start of the new financial year. The $62.7 billion budget for 2021 includes a $65-per-pupil funding increase for school districts while cutting only $250 million from several agencies and programs. School districts statewide were […]

Blackhawks win ‘M-15 Battle’

Blackhawks win ‘M-15 Battle’

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.-Despite a global pandemic, abbreviated pre-season and only a handful of fans in attendance—the Martian-Blackhawk football rivalry got just a smidge feisty on Friday night. The Blackhawks topped the Martians 41-28 in a game that featured plenty of offense along with some injuries. “It was a very physical game,” said […]