Goodrich — The Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC) announce the winner of the 2024 Genesee County Earth Day Photo Contest and a $200 Amazon Gift Card. Congratulations to Izabel Swayne’s class at Reid Elementary School in Goodrich for capturing the true essence of Earth Day. Swayne’s first-graders learned about the importance of caring for our […]
By David Fleet Waterford — Brandon High School Sophomore, Brenden Sheffield placed fourth of a field of 69 high school bowlers on April 20 at Century Bowl, Waterford in the first annual Chooch Foundation Bowling Tournament. The top 16 qualifiers went on to head to head play on Sunday. He earned $100 in scholarship […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Ortonville — The Oakwood sidewalk project, originally approved by the Ortonville village council in March of 2023, will no longer take place. The project was to be partially funded with the 2023 Small Urban Grant funds, and would have put a sidewalk from Narrin Park to Cedar Street. “The Village worked […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Ortonville — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Ortonville Village Council approved a mobile food establishments ordinance with a 7-0 vote. The ordinance would give parameters for the building inspector to regulate food trucks within the village, as well as establish a fee schedule. Previously, there was not an ordinance. […]
Ben Ohmer and Jonathan Cain fishing on the Goodrich Mill Pond. On April 27, trout statewide, inland walleye and northern pike will open in the lower peninsula. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
By David Fleet Atlas Twp. — On Wednesday night, the Atlas Township Planning Commission passed a motion to recommend to the township board of trustees to not approve a conditional rezoning request for property located at 11280 Hegel Road from Residential Agricultural to Special Housing District. Five of seven commissioners attended the meeting and […]
By David Fleet Goodrich — Earlier this year Goodrich schools introduced an interactive Legacy Wall located on the east end of the high school between the gym and auditorium. The digital touchscreen interface provides visitors an interactive archive, connecting past, present, and future generations. “We’re excited to provide a platform to serve as a […]
By David Fleet Atlas Twp. — A summer-long pathway project along the south side of Perry Road that was halted last November will not be resumed until early May. Construction of the two-mile section of the Iron Belle Trail from Atlas to Grand Blanc Township connecting the existing Gale Road trail and ending near Mancour Drive just east of […]
By David Fleet Springfield Twp. — On April 13, the Michigan State Police Detroit Regional Communication Center was notified of a minor four car hit and run crash that occurred in the left lane of Northbound I-75 South of the East Holly Road bridge. The section of highway is currently a construction zone. According […]
By David Fleet Atlas Twp. — After more than two decades serving in township government and six years as director of the Genesee County Parks, Barry June will retire. “It’s time for the next generation to step up,” said June, 62. “I replaced Emery Bennett as trustee in 2004 after he served as trustee […]