By David Fleet Groveland Twp. — The Mines of Oakland are moving forward. Recently Oxford-based Dunaskiss Consulting and Development, applied for and secured approval on behalf of Groveland Township for the Detroit Regional Partnership’s (DRP) Verified Industrial Program (VIP). This program, funded by the State of Michigan and the U.S. Economic Development Administration, aims […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Brandon Twp. — During the regular Brandon School Board meeting on Monday night, Brandon staff members attended to share their experiences and day-to-day tasks working in education. At issue is their contract, which has been expired for teachers since Oct. 31. “We love and appreciate our teachers, and we know they […]
By David Fleet Groveland Twp. — On Monday night the township board of trustees voted 4-0 to appoint Dan Crimmins as a new planning commissioner. Crimmins replaced Neil Loughlin who recently stepped down after serving since June 2019. Crimmins has been a township resident for 30 years and recently retired. A Monroe County native, […]
By Gary Gould Genesee Cty. — The 67th District Court and the Genesee County Board of Commissioners remain in talks through a study group to collaborate and recommend a plan by June 30 for the future consolidation of the district court facilities. Pursuant to the terms of a proposed settlement to the lawsuit brought […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Brandon Twp. — During the regular meeting on Monday night, the Brandon Township Board of Trustees approved the 2025-2027 Oakland County law enforcement services agreement, school resource officer addendum, and the SRO contract with Brandon Schools 5-2. Trustees Bob Marshall and Steve Unruh voted against the contract approval. “These are essentially […]
Josh and Natalie during recess at Harvey-Swanson Elementary in Ortonville on Wednesday. According to the National Weather Service in White Lake, temperatures are the coldest of the winter season so far and lows are expected to stay in the teens through next week. Photo: Patrick McAbee.
By David Fleet Flint — On Wednesday Atlas Township and My Brothers Keeper representatives were back in court as the multi-year rezoning battle over a proposed temporary home for discharged veterans moves forward. On Jan. 9, Seventh Circuit Judge Elizabeth Kelly held a status meeting to confirm her clarification on Atlas Township issuing a […]
By David Fleet Goodrich — Goodrich Head Coach Gary Barns tallied some memorable wins over more than three decades of high school basketball. On Tuesday night Barns notched one more as the Martian Varsity Boys basketball team defeated the Brandon Blackhawks. As time expired on a 73-19 win in front of a home crowd […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Ortonville — The Brandon Township Public Library is launching a punch card as their winter reading program this year. “We’re hoping that they encourage our community to visit the library and experience different collections and activities,” said Alyssa Waldie, public services manager. For the entire month of January, patrons can complete […]
By David Fleet Groveland Twp. — A total of 13 applications were filed as of the noon, Jan. 6 deadline to fill a vacancy Groveland Township Trustee. During a special meeting Dec. 18, the Groveland Township Board of Trustees voted 3-0 to accept the resignation of Trustee Gina Muzzarelli. By law the township has […]