Brandon Township police calls increase, clearance rate high

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- At the board meeting on Monday night, Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Brandon Substation Commander Lt. Greg Glover gave his 2021 year-end report. “Our calls for service for 2021, and when I say calls for service, that’s every dispatch call we receive, within the township and the village combined, […]

Reducing EMS response times

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-As of May 9 Emergency Medical Service Agreement for dispatching Medstar Ambulance is now live. The Genesee County 9-1-1 Consortium is now directed by the village and township to dispatch Medstar the preferred ambulance/emergency medical provider, to all requests for ambulance or emergency services within its boundaries. “Most important now […]

Baby formula shortage

By David Fleet Editor As the out-of-stock rate for baby formula increases nationwide, the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund, which provides food assistance locally, says donations are welcome to supply the Oxford Pregnancy Center. “Here in our community we provide formula to just a few families with infants,” said Karyn Milligan, OCEF Food Pantry Coordinator. “Any […]

Day of Difference

Day of Difference

Kaisen Garza and Christian Heagle painting an American flag at Reid Elementary School during Day of Difference on April 29. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

School board selects three finalists for superintendent

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the special meeting on April 28, the Brandon Board of Education voted 7-0 to move forward with second round interviews for three superintendent candidates. Each board member said who they would like to hear more from, and the board voted to take the top three. The candidates moving forward […]

Mill Street paving project will extend to village limits

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- On April 25, the village council approved 6-1 to accept a bid from Diamond Excavating for $205,260 to resurface and improve Mill Street from Church Street to the Ortonville Village limits. Council member Pat George voted against the motion. “This holistic approach will address the water that collects on […]

Dimes for Diapers

By David Fleet Editor Some Genesee County children will be a little happier and drier thanks to the efforts of Reid and Oaktree elementary students. Reid and Oaktree elementary joined 38 other area schools and participated in the Dimes for Diapers program during April. The event, which started about 14 years ago and is coordinated […]

STEMi arrives

STEMi arrives

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-This week, Brandon schools 4-6 graders jumped aboard the ‘STEMi’ trailer to experience STEM related experiments, including mixed reality, self-driving cars and collaborative robotics. “It’s a semi truck that goes to all of the school districts in Oakland County,” said Lauren Marchelletta, a member of the Oakland Schools STEM […]

It’s all about time

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- The village council voted 5-2 Monday night to approve the up-front funding of a time capsule for the 175 th anniversary of the Village of Ortonville. The cost of the project total is $10,500, and the motion that was approved was to pay $5,250 from the 2021-2022 budget and […]

Soon a smooth ride:Council OK’s Mill Street paving project

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- A smoother ride in the village is just around the corner. During the regular meeting on Monday night, the village council voted 7-0 to approve additional funds to pave Mill Street from the Brandon Township parking lot to the Kearsley Creek. The area was previously torn up to put […]

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