Spring walk

Spring walk

Kim and “Molly” two-year-old lab walks on Tuesday in the Village of Ortonville during one of the first 70 degree days of the spring. The blue pinwheels commemorate Pinwheels for Child Abuse Prevention Month, along with the sign for Autism Awareness Month, both of which are April. The signs and pinwheels are sponsored by Brandon […]

‘Charges will be sought,’ following harssing school phone threats

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On April 8, three area schools including Brandon received threats of violence via phone calls. All three incidents were investigated and found not to be credible. “We will put every necessary resource to investigating threats against any school, business or house of worship,” said Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. “We […]

Six candidates considered for Brandon Schools superintendent

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During a special meeting on Monday night, the Brandon Board of Education selected six candidates for the first round of interviews for the superintendent position.The permanent position has been open since October of 2020, and since then the district has had two interim superintendents. The current interim is Dr. Gary […]

Local church rings up a record

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the holidays the Ortonville United Methodist Church, 93 N. Church St., Ortonville did the red kettle drive for the Salvation army. They were posted at Bueche’s Food World for a few weeks, and in that time, collected the most money out of all of the participants through the Flint […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

GROVELAND TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF ELECTION To the Qualified Electors of the Groveland Township County of Oakland: Notice is hereby given that a Primary Election will be held in Groveland Township on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.at the following locations: Precinct 2 – Fire Station #1 14645 Dixie Hwy., Holly Please […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

GROVELAND TOWNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF GROVELAND TOWNSHIP The Groveland Township Board at its regular meeting held on April 11, 2022 did adopt Ordinance 221. An Ordinance amending Chapter 54, Sec. 54-506, Article 3, Division 17, of the Groveland Township Zoning Ordinance, to add the Dixie Highway Overlay District Design Standards. This Ordinance […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

Synopsis Groveland Twp. Board 4/11/2022 Call to Order & Roll Call Approved Agenda Approved: Accts Payable Financial Reports Investment Reports Budget Amendments Special Board Meeting Minutes 3/9/2022 Board Minutes Twp / Fire 3/14/2022 PRESENTATION CISMA Presentation Holly Oaks Presentation NEW BUSINESS Approved Master Plan Overlay Approved MDOT Permit Resolution Approved Purchase of Emergency Vehicle for […]

Public Notice: Groveland Township

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Marihuana Regulations NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Groveland Township Board of Trustees, Oakland County, Michigan on Tuesday May 9, 2022 at the Groveland Township Hall, 4695 Grange Hall Road, Holly MI 48442, commencing at 7:00 P.M. prevailing eastern time. The purpose of […]

Letters to the Editor April 16, 2022

Buy their ‘votes-ism’-With your ‘money-ism’ Dear Editor, There is a movement afoot to persuade the federal government to “forgive” student loans. Which actually means for the government to use your tax dollars to pay off other people’s loans. The loans were incurred when students wanted to prepare for their futures, to enable them to earn […]

Charles M. Marteney Jr.

Charles M. Marteney Jr., 73, passed away at his home in Clarkston, MI, on April 6, 2022 after a courageous battle with ALS. Chuck was born on December 22, 1948 to Charles Sr. and Laura Jean Marteney in Fairmount, West Virginia. Chuck was known as the jokester in his family and large circle of friends. […]