Township to gravel 4.46 miles of road

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan 248-627-4332 Brandon Twp. — During the regular meeting on March 4, the Brandon Township board of trustees approved the 2024 gravel road projects. “We met with the road commission, and we went through where they recommend we put gravel this year,” said supervisor Jayson Rumball. “So we discussed all of that […]

Groveland seeking ‘I Voted’ designs

By Sharon Stone Tri-County Times Groveland Twp. — Calling all creative students. Groveland Township is looking for new designs for its “I Voted” stickers. The Groveland Township office has launched a new contest, searching for new, unique designs to help get out the vote in the 2024 elections. Not only will the winning designs be […]

Permits required for mobile food establishments in Brandon Township

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan 248-627-4332 Brandon Twp. — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Brandon Township board of Trustees voted 7-0 to approve the first reading on the Mobile Food Establishments ordinance. The ordinance would give parameters for the building inspector, Jason Wilton, to regulate things like food trucks in the township. “All the […]

Public Notice: Atlas Township

Notice to the citizens of ATLAS TOWNSHIP, Genesee County, Goodrich, Michigan. The ATLAS TOWNSHIP BOARD will hold a TRUTH-IN-TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. “The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.” The proposed budget is available […]

Tri County Equipment awarded GST MI Works! Going Pro Talent Fund grant

Tri County Equipment announced that it has received a grant from GST MI Works! for the 2023 Going PRO Talent Fund. The grant is an opportunity for Tri County Equipment to further invest in its workforce and support their employees in gaining the skills needed for in-demand career paths. Going PRO Talent Fund grants are specifically […]

A taste of spring

A taste of spring

From left Brooklyn, Lexi, Kody, Addison and Hayden on the playground at Oakwood Elementary. The temperatures this week got up to 72 degrees. Photo: Patrick McAbee.

‘Me time’ and the inevitable bookish adventure

I’m a huge supporter of what I like to call ‘me time.’ That means something different for every person. I know a lot of people whose ‘me time’ consists of reading or watching their favorite television show or cooking uninterrupted. Sometimes they peacefully engage in a hobby, or take a bubble bath. My ‘me time’ […]

Tattoo shop eyes village downtown

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the zoning board of appeals meeting on Monday, the Ortonville ZBA approved an adult use variance for a property at 30 South St. The variance would be for a tattoo shop, which under the current zoning ordinances is classified under adult use, and requires the ZBA to […]

Bids sought for renovation of Village concession stand

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — A request for proposal has been sent out for the remodel of the concession stand at Sherman Park. “It’s not super invasive, but it’s to renovate and update the concession stand,” said Village Manager Ryan Madis. Part of the project will be paid for with a DNR Trust […]

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