(In response to “A desire for unity,” a letter by Jerry Boritzki, The Citizen, Feb. 13, page 7) Real battles Dear Mr. Boritzki, You bring up how many Executive Orders were given by the 1st 6 Presidents. Did you purposely skip the Executive Orders given by the last 6 Presidents? Let’s look at those totals. […]
(In response to ‘OCSO:‘Nothing of criminal nature,’ The Citizen, Feb. 6, page 5) Cart before the horse Dear Editor, Do I understand this correctly? Last July 1st, Groveland Township authorized $25,000 of taxpayer money to investigate the veracity of an anonymous letter disparaging its Fire Chief Kevin Mason. The contents and allegations of that letter […]
Change Dear Editor, Change can be exciting or intimidating, but change is inevitable. Change continues for our Village government even after the November elections. One Council member stepped down, and we are excited to welcome the experienced Kay Green to fill that seat. Unexpectedly, the community lost an icon, Mr. Ron Sutton, leaving a hole […]
Capitol riot reactions Dear Editor, As our community grapples with the riots that occurred at the Capitol in Washington D.C. and the ongoing impeachment trial of Donald Trump, it is interesting to see what was said after similar events in our history. After the 2021 riots in Wash D.C., Donald Trump said, “The demonstrators who […]
(In response to, “COVID vaccine: ‘It’s time to fight back,’” The Citizen, Jan. 16, page 1) Vaccination concern Dear Editor, I totally disagree with Ms. Taylor on mass vaccinations. This vaccine was rushed to market and not FDA approved, FDA authorized is completely different than FDA approved. It is literally impossible to know the short […]
(In response to, ‘Another Day,’ a poem by Suzanne McGill-Anderson, The Citizen, Jan. 9, page 6) Relish the love Dear Editor, The beautiful poem “Another Day”, by former schoolteacher Suzanne McGill-Anderson, was compelling. We must relish all the love we can during these Covid days, as we try to catch-up with our previous lifestyles. Frank […]
Thank dad Dear Editor, The Family of Ron Sutton cannot begin to express what everyone’s prayers, words of comfort and the sharing of memories have meant to our family. We always realized how involved Dad was with the community. His walks could take 2 hours and he might not have even made it around the […]
Dear Editor, A huge shout out to Brandon parents Andrea Austin, Misty Friend, and Marla Abney for their efforts organizing the teacher gift drop off at the I-Tec Center! What an outstanding response from all them and you! Thank you on behalf of building administration, teachers, and staff! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! David […]
Old Newsboys Dear Editor, Challenging times for volunteers and donors. The annual Old Newsboys paper sale was conducted Dec. 11. For the last 10 years Goodrich has had a crew of volunteers that work the corner of M-15 and Hegal Road to collect donations for this charity. In a “normal” year there would be about […]
Thank you Wojos Dear Editor, The Ortonville Department of Public works along with The Citizen newspaper express their appreciation to Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of seasonal planters in the Village of Ortonville. Your generosity to the community and those that live and work here is truly a blessing. Thank […]