Letters to the Editor June 27, 2020

Vote for Back Dear Editor, I am pleased that Patti Back is running to retain her job as Groveland Township Clerk. I have known Patti both personally and professionally for over twenty years and know she is hardworking, honest and organized. She has a proven record of serving the residents of Groveland with integrity, understanding […]

Letters to the editor June 20, 2020

Vote for Onica Dear Editor, I write as a civically involved member of the Atlas Township community for nearly four decades. Current Chairman of the Planning Commission and member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, I was 2003 The Citizen Newspaper Citizen of the Year, and past recipient of the Kettering University Alumni Civic Achievement […]

Letters to the Editor June 13, 2020

Thank you Wojo’s Dear Editor, The Village of Ortonville along with the community thank Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of amazing flowers in the street planters through the downtown area this spring. During a stressful time in our country it’s such a pleasure to have so many colorful floral arrangements […]

Letters to the Editor May 30, 2020

Mr. Ortonville Dear Editor, A shout out to Ron Sutton. He walks by our window (in the village) every Thursday with a knock and “air” kisses asking how things are going! I miss Mr. Ortonville! Love and miss you Ron! Liz – Village Clerk Glad to see The Citizen Dear Editor, I’m very happy to […]

Stop burning

Dear Editor, Last week, my neighbor and his wife and myself, all senior citizens over the age of 65, were playing some Pickle Ball over at Sherman Park in Ortonville, which was open. Pickle Ball is a smaller version of tennis, played with oversized ping pong paddles and a hard plastic ball with holes. We […]

GHS Class of 2020

GHS Class of 2020 Dear Editor Thank you to the area businesses, organizations, and community members who have lifted up the Goodrich graduating class of 2020 with your congratulatory signs and messages! Your extra efforts are appreciated! Dawn Robb

Weariness scale

Dear Editor, Joe Bob Briggs, drive in movie critic, fake redneck and lover of B movies has something to help us understand Paul Lucas’ letters to The Citizen. While reviewing low budget flicks, Joe Bob scored them with categories such as number of exploding hillbillies, number of pints of blood, number of bared…er…anatomical parts, finishing […]

Stop talking Trump

Dear Editor, Mr. Trump, please stop speaking. You monopolize every coronavirus update we get via TV. You love the sound of your own voice so much you don’t give the doctors and other professionals enough time to say what we the people want and need to hear. They know what they are talking about. We […]

Selective memory

(In response to Achievements, a letter by Dale Bond, The Citizen, April 4, 2020) Dear Editor, Shame on you Mr. Bond.  Your slanted, ill-informed, and misguided remarks scream to be challenged…and CORRECTED!!!  Obama DIDN’T save the Auto Industry.  A loan from CONGRESS did!  And incidentally,  Chrysler refused the loan offer because it carried with it,  […]

Love your neighbor

In response to Paul Lucas “Go Trump” I just finished Reading a letter from a Mr. Paul S Lucas. I noticed the entire first paragraph was nothing but angry verbiage, directed at one of Mr. Lucas’ “neighbors”, Dale Bond. Mr. Lucas if you’re a God fearing man, try to remember Gods commandment to love your […]

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