By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-At 2:15 p.m., Nov. 12, the township fire department responded to a fire at the Atlas Valley Golf Club, 8313 Perry Road. In addition to Atlas Township, Davison and Grand Blanc townships also responded to the fire. When firefighters arrived an active fire was ongoing in the basement of the […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- On Monday night the township board of trustees voted 3-2 to not increase the special assessment over the current amount of $125 per year to $194 per year, per improved parcel for trash and recycling collection. Trustees Pat Major and Barry June along with Treasurer Ann Marie Moore voted […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-The roundabout at the intersection of Sashabaw and Oakhill Roads is now open. “The roundabout opened on November 10, almost 14 days ahead of schedule,” said Craig Bryson, senior manager of communications with the Road Commission for Oakland County. “It is virtually done, the only thing that we’re waiting […]
A honeybee with a load of pollen that just lifted off from a Jerusalem artichoke in northern Oakland County earlier this fall. Photo by Jonathan Schechter.
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Monday night, both Brandon and Groveland townships during their regular meetings, approved resolutions for the first phase of a multi-community sewer project. Funding for the project will come from the American Rescue Plan Act. The Village of Ortonville approved a similar resolution earlier this month. The Brandon Township board […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- Today about two miles of a primary township road are smoother, safer and finally done. Earlier this month, at cost of $5.4 million, the process of paving Barron Road between Groveland to Grange Hall was completed and open to traffic. “The road looks amazing,” said Bob DePalma, township supervisor. […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Monday night Sheri Wilkerson, village administrator, confirmed the award of a $40,000 grant from the Michigan Department of Transportation Small Urban Road program. As a result, Pontiac Street between Hegel and Erie streets will be milled and filled in 2025. The Small Urban Program provides federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- During the regular Monday night meeting, the township board approved 7-0 to joining the 2022 Oakland County NO HAZ Program. The Township has been participating in NO HAZ every three years, the last time being 2019. “In 2019, it was a cost of $5,830 to us, which was […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Brandon substation is warning residents of a rise in larcenies from unlocked vehicles within the township. At 9:56 a.m., on Nov. 4, Brandon deputies responded to a report of a larceny from a vehicle. The man stated that morning he had noticed his prescriptions, cash […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is asking parents to be more vigilant with checking if their children are using vape products. “We have an uptick in kids vaping within the middle school and high school,” said OCSO Brandon Substation commander Lt. Greg Glover. “Our school resource officer has had a major […]