By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Fourth of July fireworks and food trucks event in Ortonville has been canceled. The decision has been made among meetings with the DDA, Friends of AMOS, the Brandon Township Fire Department, Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and the Brandon School District to discuss current state and county COVID-19 restrictions. “While […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon School District, in partnership with Oakland County Health Division, is hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on June 3, 3-7 p.m., at Brandon Middle School, 609 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville. “This is for the families and community members in our district and surrounding areas,” said Dr. Karl Heidrich, district superintendent. […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-By a 5-0 vote on Monday night the township board of trustees voted to join the Genesee County Road Commission for an engineering and design agreement for a hard surface plan for Green Road from Ridge to Gale roads. The cost of the project is $70,000. “There has been much […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-The cost for trash and recycling pickup in the township is increasing. On Monday, the township board of trustees voted 5-0 approving a $17 annual increase in a special assessment for trash and recylcing collection currently at $108 per year to $125. The total cost to the township is now […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp- The Parks and Rec department has received the federal funds agreement from the Land and Water Conservation Grant for the construction of ADA accessible bathrooms and concession stand at the township park, 1414 Hadley Road. “We’ve been waiting for this agreement to come, but with COVID and all […]
Ortonville- On May 31, the Memorial Day parade and observance will return to the streets of the village and the Ortonville Cemetery. Last year, the traditional start of summer was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic and the “Stay at Home” order from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “Not this year,” said Ortonville VFW Post 582 Commander […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- During the regular meeting on Monday night, the village council voted unanimously to approve changes to the ordinance regarding chicken ownership. The updated ordinance would allow a maximum of eight hen chickens on lots up to .5 acres. For lots in the village over .5 acres, an additional hen […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Downtown Development Authority is partnering with Consumers Energy to support small businesses in Downtown Ortonville. Consumer Energy’s dollar-for-dollar match with the DDA’s 2021 recovery plan will create a buy one get one opportunity for the Downtown Dollars program. The DDA has received a grant for $4,000 to support […]
Pink apple blossoms opened in Brandon Township last week. Michigan’s tree fruits are two weeks ahead of normal due to the warm weather in March and the first half of April according to MSU Extension. Photo by Jonathan Schechter.