By David Fleet Editor The video arcade game “Pac-Man” is released, Ronald Reagan is elected President of the United States and the cable network MTV (Music Television) is launched. At 8:30 p.m., Aug. 3 the 1980s return to Good Times in Goodrich when the Square Pegz brings back the music etched in every cassette and […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-After locating an ambulance in Goodrich on Feb. 1, 2016 officials at Mobile Medical Response or MMR report that due a low volume of calls a unit will no longer be stationed in the village for area calls. However, they will continue to respond to local calls via mobile units. Mobile […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On July 16 the Brandon Township Public Library is once again hosting Ina Golden. She will be giving her presentation Tips to Prevent Broken Hips. The presentation focuses on how to prevent falls and strengthen the body to react better to falls. “It impacts their quality of life and can […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Keep an eye on the road for the rest of the summer, because Road Commission for Oakland County projects will be starting soon. The first project will close McGinnis Road to through traffic on July 13 between Grange Hall and Wildwood road in Groveland Township. The project will be a […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.– On Monday night the township board of trustees approved an audit presented by Ken Palka, from the accounting firm of Pfeffer, Hanniford and Palka. Palka reported on the township finances following the completion of the yearly audit ending March 31, 2019. The township ended the year with $192,308 of […]
David Fleet Editor A total of 2,654 names. That’s the number of Michigan men and women who were killed in action during the years of the Vietnam War 1955 to 1975. The Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 set up the Michigan Vietnam Traveling Memorial, a tribute to soldiers from Michigan. The traveling memorial are […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- According to the Genesee County Sheriff Department, a 36-year old male traveling at a high rate of speed in a 2002 Lincoln southbound on M-15 near Hills Lane reportedly tried to avoid a deer in the roadway, overcompensated and lost control in the early morning hours of July 9. […]
From left, Mea, 5, Ada, 3, and Ella, 7, Shafer beat the heat in a sprinkler during a humid, hot early summer after in Brandon Township. Photo by Patrick McAbee.
By David Fleet Editor It’s now summer and the heat is diffidently on. But just wait about six months and that heat will be off when Michigan’s cold takes over. Since 2003, “The Heat Stays On,” a fund for local residents to aid with utility bills during those times of need when other options just […]