My un-resolutions for 2023

By now, we’re a week into the New Year, and everyone is hard at work on their resolutions. Not I. Well, I had two resolutions, but I try to not make the resolutions about myself, but about a project I’d like done. The two I have are to publish my third book (which was a […]

Holiday connections

I’ve never been big on social media. Not because I don’t like it or think it’s a waste of time, I’m just bad at it. I think Twitter is kind of scary, I don’t want to watch people’s lives through Instagram, and Facebook I keep because it lets me see thrilling posts from my Grandma, […]

Happy dogs, friends & a crooked star

Now that December is here, I can say my Christmas decorations are up without judgment. I’ve actually had them up since November 1, because I love decorating. This year, I have a white, silver and mint green color scheme, which I planned last year. My best advice is to go shopping a few days after […]

Dogs have our unconditional love

One thing many people might have guessed about me is I’m a millennial. That means I love my dogs like they’re my children. Because they are children. I have two best friends who are moms, and they both agree with me that my dogs are worse than their kids were, so I feel valid in […]

Some progress is still progress

For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m a writer. I know, shocker. But I don’t just mean that I’m a journalist, I’m also a self-published author. I’ve written two books, and am working on two more, which has lead me to participate in NaNoWriMo. For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. […]

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