By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- A boy scout recently combined his computer skills, desire to assist senior citizens and easing the struggles of those in long-term care facilities into a stellar Eagle Scout project. Connor Mulholland, 18, is a recent Goodrich High School graduate, who started in Cub Scouts Pack 340 and for the past […]
By David Fleet Editor Gerald Hughes recognized the roof of his cabin as it was floating down the Tittabawassee River. “You could just see the roof,” said Hughes, 93, who watched his secondary residence on a YouTube post. “The rest of my cabin was submerged.” Hughes, a Goodrich resident for 66 years, former Martian football […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On June 5, students from Harvey Swanson and Oakwood elementary schools participated in their second annual career awareness day. This year, however, it was all virtual. “I feel like this year, one of the best things about it was everybody could go to every session,” said Debbie Brauher, Harvey Swanson […]
By David Fleet Editor Ortonville-Cut flowers and more once again in the village. On May 1, Atlas Township residents Frank and Deb Cook opened, Willow Pointe of Ortonville, 425 S Ortonville Road continuing tradition of almost 50 years. “We opened before Mother’s Day and we’ve been busy,” said Frank. “Our renovations and updates will continue, […]
By David Fleet Editor Ortonville-Blackhawk Auto Repair, 105 S Ortonville Road, is giving back to the community in a big way. The recent economic impact of coronavirus has been devastating on a variety of businesses. So, David Riley owner of Blackhawk Auto Repair, an essential local business who stayed open through the shutdown has decided […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-New owners, new name—that’s The 4-1-1 Pub. Late last year Groveland Township residents Stuart and Taj Perry purchased the former Smokin Js BBQ Pit, 10230 Hegel Road and recently changed the name to The 4-1-1 Pub. The local eatery is open for take out with online orders via Facebook. Catering is […]
David Fleet Editor The last time the Oakland County Fair was cancelled was 1940 following the outbreak of World War II. The fair returned in 1945. Seventy-years later fair officials remain optimistic the 2020 Fair set for the Springfield Oaks County Park in Davisburg July 10-19 will go on in some fashion. Groveland Township resident […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Even though the Brandon Township Public Library is closed, residents don’t have to miss out on Miss Fran’s story times. “Reading during social distancing is even more critical than before,” said Fran Hotchkiss. “For families that are quarantining together, the intimacy of reading to your children while cuddling helps them […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer While the Brandon Groveland Youth Recognition night has been postponed, BGYA is still honoring 168 students with Youth Recognition Awards, including two gold star award winners. “I am extremely proud of all of the students that have been nominated this year and who have all made a very positive difference […]
'Michigan’s greenhouses and garden centers are prepared to reopen with a focus on the safety of our customers and employees'
Some of the hanging baskets growing at Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road. Brandon Twp.-Thanks to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, more than 75,000 Wojo’s Greenhouse hanging baskets will brighten residences community wide. “Our hanging baskets are looking good here at Wojo’s,” said Noonie Kowalski, a 19 year veteran at Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road. “We have pepper […]