Letters to the Editor Dec. 5, 2020

Thank you Ortonville Dear Editor, To the Ortonville Village Council: Now that the local election is over, I have decided to step down from my position as Ortonville Village Trustee. From the very start, my place of employment and required travel has made it a challenge to commit the time I believe is necessary to […]

Letters to the Editor Nov. 21, 2020

The Ruck for Veterans Dear Editor, Thank you to Bearss Fitness & Ivy Rehab, owners Joshua Bearss and manager Sean Duffey for sponsoring the Veterans Day Fun Ruck on Nov. 14. And a special thank you to Robini Loughlin for organizing the event. The Ruck for Veterans walk helped the local VFW Post 582 Ortonville […]

Letters to the Editor Nov. 14, 2020

Recycling needed Dear Editor, Recycling is more than sorting your trash. Recycling can be looking at local charitable and consignment stores not only as a place to drop off our used clothing for resale, but also a rich source for purchases. When we buy a lamp or a side table from these stores, we do […]

Letters to the Editor Nov. 7, 2020

Thank you Dear Editor The family of Nicholas Mazich want to thank all those that sent their prayers, love and support for our family during this difficult time. We have received so many cards with beautiful notes and memories of Nick. I am still receiving cards and texts every day from so many that know […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 31, 2020

Dog safety Dear Editor We have been fortunate enough to hike trails in Canada, Maine, Virginia, and throughout both upper and lower Michigan. We have never been threatened by any animals on these hikes. However, many times on our walks within the village of Ortonville, we have been harassed by loose dogs. A few times, […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 17, 2020

(In response to “No Rebuff,” a letter by Maragaret Story, The Citizen, Oct. 10, page 6.) The art of diversion Dear Editor, Ms. Story is to be congratulated; she has learned the Art of Diversion well. She doesn’t speak to the issues I raised on the position taken or not taken (Loading the Supreme Court) […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 10, 2020

(In response to, “A feel good vote,” a letter by Richard Saroli, The Citizen, Sept. 26, page 6) No rebuff Dear Editor, A few questions Saroli. What is the air quality going to be for your children, grandchildren and all future humans on this Earth if nothing is done to stop the pollution from bad […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 3, 2020

Thank you Dear Editor, I would like to personally thank all the businesses that have united to support me, Tonja Brice and Ron Sutton with seeking positions on Ortonville Village Council. I am humbled and extremely grateful for your trust and support. Your united front speaks volumes and, if nothing else, I hope our community […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 26, 2020

(In response to “Seek the truth,” a letter by Dan Eschmann, The Citizen, Sept. 12, page 6) The real truth Dear Editor, Our community was asked to believe that three Village trustees up for election are looking out for our tax dollars. They scrutinize small items like phone stipends and reimbursements to our staff and […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 19, 2020

Joe’s the Man Dear Editor A friend asked me why I am voting for Joe Biden. I am voting for Joe’s life, his character, the choices he has made. When he was a kid with a stammer, he could have retreated into angry silence, he chose to work hard to overcome it, years before we […]

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