Thank you Ortonville Since 2014, my passion and commitment has been to give what I can, when I can, and however I can to our community. Together, we have accomplished so many great things that make our Village stronger, wiser, and more successful. It has truly been an honor to work for, alongside, and behind […]
Thank you Doug There are people that you meet in life who are truly special. Who leave a lasting impact on you based upon who they are, what they do, and what they represent. Doug McAbee was one of those people to so many of us. My first meeting with Doug was at the local […]
Wolfe Road The illegal Truck traffic on Wolfe Road has been increasing all summer. Over three-12 hour periods, I have recorded 146 trucks using Wolfe Road. Thirteen of these were semi-trucks, many other trucks used the road several times each. It is about time our enforcement and regulatory agencies acknowledge and accept that this is both […]
Promote the vote (In response to, ‘Locals rally,’ a letter by Jay R. Taylor, The Citizen, Aug. 27, 2022, Page 4) Last week the letter from Jay R. Taylor quoted a woman from Clarkston insinuating that the proposed amendment on Michigan’s November ballot called “Promote the Vote” weakens our ability to know whether the voter […]
What is pro life? Shouldn’t government deciding to end abortions understand embryology? Long term consequences? Responsibility for both parents? Most seeking abortion for reasons other than medical issues do so in the first trimester, when the fetus is not viable and there is no brain. It takes 28 weeks until the embryo senses touch , hearing and […]
Roe V. Wade Women faced with an unexpected, difficult pregnancy deserve good resources to help them through it and this is where we should be focusing our attention. We certainly do not need Governor Whitmer doing line item vetoes to remove resources, effectively making women feel that their only choice is abortion. Her recent vetoes […]
Roe V. Wade (Editor’s note: In response to Roe V. Wade, a letter by Bonnie Beltramo, The Citizen, July 23, page 4.) First off, I stated all Christians should support life. People of the Jewish and Muslim faith are NOT Christians. Abortion does not belong in America. I invite you to google the non-religious “Abortion: […]
Library services Dear Editor, I have always known librarians to be fierce defenders of the First Amendment, helpful and knowledgeable. The ladies in the Ferndale Library pulled dusty art books off the shelves for me, handed me many times repaired editions of Wizard of Oz sequels when I was a kid. Now the Brandon Library […]
Thank you Margaret Lee Dear Editor, Thank you Margaret Lee for serving over 20 years (and continuing to serve) on the OCEF board, most of those years as Chair. Your care and dedication to the people in our community is appreciated more than you know. You’re an example to us all. We love you and […]
Hannah’s Legacy Dear Editor, The Hannah’s Legacy Foundation would like to thank everyone that attended and contributed to our fifth annual golf outing on June 20th at the Davison Country Club. A total of104 golfers participated and an additional 30 guests attended the dinner. Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors, golfers, and the entire community we raised […]