C&M Circus returns to town

By David Fleet Editor For some it invokes childhood memories. For others it’s a new experience they only read about. What ever the reason on July 3 and 4, the circus will be returning to Ortonville. “This will be our third circus,” said Ed Albertson, Ortonville Lions Club event coordinator. “We’ve had rave reviews every […]

Summer farewell

Summer farewell

Brandon Learn From Home Teacher Tina Luchow greets student Alaine Breault with a sign and gift. On June 15, Brandon Learn From Home students in the fifth and eighth grade participated in a drive-thru farewell to teachers and staff at the I-Tec Center, 609 S.Ortonville Road. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Board takes aim at illegal marijuana growers

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- On Monday night the township board of trustees agreed to move forward with possible changes in ordinances regarding marijuana growing in the township. Bob DePalma, township supervisor said the need for the ordinance follows calls from people questioning if marijuana can be grown in the township. “The answer we’ve […]

Go Fourth!

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- Friends of AMOS is close to reaching their goal for the 4th of July fireworks show, but still need a little help. “The Friends of AMOS is very excited that circumstances allowed for us to push forward with a firework display this year,” said Courtney McClerren, DDA President. “We […]

Green Ridge Meadows expansion OK, lumber costs slip

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- New homes on the way. On Monday night the village council voted 4-0 to approve the site plan for the sixth phase of Green Ridge Meadows. Council member Sherry Moore was absent. The village planning commission recommended approval following the May 24 meeting. The developer, Atlas Township-based Johnson & Sons […]

Retail Challenge

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Downtown Development Authority is partnering with Oakland County Economic Development, MI SBCD, and local businesses, organizations and residents to bring forth their Retail Challenge, which will give an incentive package worth $10,000 for one winning retail business that will open or expand in the DDA district in 2021. […]

Ideas for Ortonville’s Heritage Garden needed

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- The village council is looking for community input on what to do with the Heritage Garden space next to Old Town Hall. On June 19 and 26, members of the Heritage Garden subcommittee will be near Old Town Hall in downtown Ortonville with visuals of possible options for the […]

Long time village treasurer remembered

By David Fleet Editor Norene Iseler passed away on April 21, 2021 in Vail, Az. with her daughters and grandson at her bedside. She was 59. Iseler served as the Goodrich Village Treasurer for more than 30 years. She was a member/treasurer for the Goodrich/Atlas Historical Society for many years and a Goorich resident for […]

Cooking demo comming to Ortonville Farmers Market

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Farmer’s Market is one of four Metro Detroit farmers markets selected to have cooking demonstrations this year. The demonstrations are sponsored by Genisys Credit Union in partnership with Taste the Local Difference. “We are excited to have a partner in the Taste the Local Difference who shares the […]

Blackhawks soar

Blackhawks soar

Front Isabelle Ricard and Julie Cheng prepare to graduate from Brandon High School last weekend.  Photo by Patrick McAbee.