Village to refund new road fund millage

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Sept. 26 the village council voted 4-0 to rescind and amend its June 24 resolution establishing the village millage rate at 6.9190 and amends the same to establish the 2019-20 tax rate for the village at 6.0000. Council Member Tim Barraco did not attend the meeting with notice. Sheri Wilkerson, […]

Township appoints new trustee

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.- On Wednesday night, the township board of trustees gathered for a special meeting to appoint a new trustee. By a 4-0 vote, the board appointed Gina Muzzarelli from a group of six candidates that had applied following the resignation of township trustee Dale Cason in August. Muzzarelli, a township […]

Seymour Lake Road fatal crash

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp. The Oakland County Crash Reconstruction Unit is assisting deputies from the township substation with the investigation of a single motor vehicle fatal crash. The crash occurred on Sept. 29 at 4:25 p.m. on Seymour Lake Road at the intersection of Perry Lake Road. A 65-year-old Oxford man was […]

Kearsley Creek E-Coli levels higher this summer

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-Testing on the Kearsley creek shows higher than satisfactory E-Coli levels. “We test the creek on a regular basis,” said village manager Dale Stuart. The village, while not required to test the creek, does so quarterly when they test the village offices and the Old town Hall. If levels are […]

Atlas Township barn fire

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-At 10:20 p.m., Sept. 22, the township fire department responded to a single-story barn fire in the 12000 block of Coolidge Road. Firefighters were advised that there were cats in the barn and no other animals. Ed Klimek, township assistant chief was en route and were informed that the 100 […]

Flipped for football

Flipped for football

BHS Cheerleader Josie Martin-Granlund flips during the Blackhawk home opening win over Owosso on Sept. 20. The landing was perfect for Josie and the Blackhawks defeating the Trojans 70-21. Photo by Mo Voyer.

Goodrich:’Clean, unmodified’ audit, fund balance grows

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-By a 7-0 vote on Monday night the school board of trustees accepted an audit from Lewis & Knopf for the 2018-19 fiscal year ending June 30. The audit was presented by Ken Rappuhn staff accountant and 2012 Goodrich High School graduate. The district ended the 2018-19 fiscal year with a […]

School AD resigns amid allegations, investigation

By David Fleet Editor On Monday, the school board of trustees voted 6-1 to accept the resignation of the Goodrich High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Dave Davis. Trustee Jennifer Riggs voted no. Details of the case were obtained by The Citizen newspaper in a Freedom of Information Act request. Terms of the resignation […]

Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame at Brandon High School

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- At 6 p.m., Oct. 3, two Brandon graduates will be honored with a place on the Ed and Diane Donaldson Distinguished Alumni Wall of Fame at Brandon High School. Dr. Gwen Wyatt (formerly Hamilton), a 1965 grad, is a professor of nursing at Michigan State University, where she […]

Unhappy trails: Council eyes Village park rules

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-About 47 acres of village owed wooded property may soon be off limits to just about everything. On Monday night, the council voted 4-3 to have an ordinance drafted for the Ortonville Preservation Park, that would make it not to be used for off-read vehicles, motor bikes, or developed bike […]