Revisions to township spacing ordinances OK’d

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- At the Monday night meeting, the board introduced the first reading of two revised ordinances that pertain to group homes with a 6-1 vote. Trustee Dana DePalma voted against both motions. “Tonight, you’re being presented with the first reading of the zoning ordinance amendment to amend the permitted […]

Township Taco Bell on the way but delayed

By Shelby Stwart Staff Writer The construction of the Tacobell in Brandon Township is currently on hold. “We were told that Tacobell is having a hard time getting a contractor,” said township trustee and planning commission member Kris Kordella. The Taco Bell, which is planned to be on the north side of Genisys Credit Union […]

Brandon, Goodrich now in same division of Flint Metro League

By David Fleet Editor The expanded Flint Metro League will crown a champion this fall. In 2018 the Flint Metro League approved Goodrich, Corunna and Lake Fenton to join beginning at the start of the 2019-2020 season in August. The move created a 12 team league with two divisions of six schools based on enrollment. […]

Weather delays start of village drain project

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-Final design for village drain project that was approved more than six years ago has been delayed this summer due to the late spring rain. Sue Hogan, senior engineer of the of surface water management for the Genesee County Drain Office said the renovation of the century old village drain system, […]

Interim superintendent named at Goodrich

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On June 29 at a special meeting, the school board of education voted 7-0 to approve long time educator Wayne Wright as an interim superintendent. The one-year contract is effective July 1 until June 30, 2020. The decision follows the resignation on June 30 of district superintendent Ryan Relken. Over 29 […]

Board grapples with livestock numbers

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- When it comes to township livestock, it could soon pay to be small. At the Monday night meeting, the township board considered revising township ordinance Sec. 46-282-(2) Animal Maintenance. “The current ordinance, the way it stands, does not differentiate between a draft horse and a mini,” said Trustee […]

Looking good

Looking good

From left, Reese Wagner and Lainey Willis check out their faces during during the 5th annual Family Movie Night, June 22 at the Brandon Township Community Park. See more photos by Patrick McAbee page 15.

Six new fire hydrants planned for township

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-Six new wells to supply water for the township fire department are planned. On June 17 at the township board of trustees along with Township Fire Chief Steve Bullen discussed the project, which are budgeted over the next six years. The cost of each well is about $30,000. “Our goal […]

Local faces multiple drug, firearm charges

On June 19, at 8:32 a.m., Brandon deputies arrested a township resident and business owner for a felony warrant. The warrant sites three felony charges and two misdemeanor charges. Deputies observed Zaky Elkour parked across from the Brandon substation. They had knowledge of a valid felony warrant from a previous case involving Elkour. When he […]

July 1: Sashabaw Road paving project to begin

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Beginning July 1, Sashabaw Road between Sherwood and Granger roads will be closed for paving. The construction is expected to be completed in late fall. During construction, residential access will be maintained. The detour for through, northbound traffic will be west on Sherwood to Perry Lake roads, north on […]