By David Fleet Editor Goodrich— Good Times returns with a new night of fun. From 5 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Aug. 4 the Hoedown In-G-Town kicks off with line dancing lessons taught by a local instructor in the Goodrich Commons area. The music of John Vance Band, begins at 7 p.m. followed by Shiatown, and special guest Billy Gunther and the Mid-West Riders at […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Ortonville Village council voted 7-0 to reappoint planning commissioners Will Conway, Lee Palshan and Rick McAvinchey. “This is a pretty routine measure,” said village president Ken Quisenberry. “Their terms are similar to ours, they’re off-set. The planning commission recommends these.” Conway […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. — On Monday night the township board of trustees voted 4-0 to OK $7,469 for Consumers Energy to complete the installation of the electrical for a well near State Road and Linda Kay Drive. Township Clerk Katie Vick was absent with notice. “We can’t go any further with the […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Ortonville — During the regular Monday night meeting, the Ortonville village council discussed some current issues with the pickleball courts on Ball Street. The courts were completed in early July with community development block grant funds by the Brandon Township parks and recreation department, and were previously the home of […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp. — From a township population hike of 4.5% since 2010, one of the largest increases among Genesee County communities to aging infrastructure, the local environmental demands have moved to the forefront. Township leaders are responding. At 5:30 p.m., Aug. 8, The Citizen Advisory Committee for Environmental Concerns will meet […]
By David Fleet Editor Davisburg — Chubby and Doughnut paid off for Mea Collins. The 15-year-old Brandon High School sophomore recently showed the prime swine at the Oakland County 4-H Fair with Doughnut placing fourth in Showmanship. Both pigs were auctioned off a the Large Animal Auction. Collin’s pigs were just two of about 80 […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — The Brandon Township Parks and Recreation department received a grant from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan for the construction of the gazebo at the Township Park, 1414 N. Hadley Road. “I call it the frosting on the cake for the Living Tree Library area,” said parks […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp. — Township Clerk Theresa Bills along with others noticed a significant increase in use of the Forest Grove Park playground located behind the Groveland Township Hall, 4695 Grange Hall Road, during the COVID years. “People were outside more and use of the playground was growing,” said Bills. “Many visitors were using the playground […]
By Shelby Stewart-Soldan Staff Writer Brandon Twp. — During the regular meeting on July 10, the township board approved the 2022 audit report 7-0. “Overall I felt like there has been significant improvements in the departments in terms of getting reconciliations done, getting information to us, that this year’s audit felt quite a bit smoother,” […]