By Sheby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon School District is implementing a new COVID-19 testing program to keep students in school. “Right now we’re really, really lucky, we have hardly any COVID cases in our district,” said acting superintendent Dan Stevens. “We’re implementing the Brandon School District quarantine test-to-stay program, we’re really excited about this.” The […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Due to school closures, the Brandon High School theater department has rescheduled their fall play performances to Dec. 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. “We will have a moment of silence and every performance is dedicated to our Oxford community and the victims and survivors of the tragic event of […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer After a two year hiatus due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Brandon High School theater department is putting on a show. At 7 p.m., on Dec. 1-3, BHS will present ,“Pirates of the Cafeteria.” The one act play follows a group of pirates who try to take over the Brandon […]
By David Fleet Editor In 1952, Harry Truman was president, gasoline cost 52 cents and a loaf of bread was 19 cents. That same year Ortonville and Goodrich played football. While plenty has changed since facemask-less leather helmets ruled —today the Brandon-Goodrich game is a yearly event as the Martians are now part of the […]
By David Fleet Editor It’s a stat line for the ages. That’s how sixth year Blackhawk Head Coach Brad Zube described the play of Blackhawk Senior Dylan Dickens who rushed for 351 yards rushing, threw for 47 yards and caught a 23 pass for 427 yards total offense and 4 touchdowns. “He also punted and […]
By David Fleet Editor Area track and field athletes that have an interest in throwing the discus are now much safer thanks to the efforts of some local businesses. The concept of the discus throw is when an athlete stands inside a circle which is surrounded on three sides by a cage. The athlete must […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Learn From Home will have a few changes next school year. “Currently we have 130 students, and that includes Summit, and a majority of those are Brandon Learn From Home with Brandon teachers,” said superintendent Dr. Karl Heidrich. “Enrollment is much lower than we had in the past, we […]
By David Fleet Editor On June 28 the Goodrich School Board of Trustees approved two new classes in computer science and engineering this fall for freshman and sophomores. “We now have the opportunity to offer two hands-on courses that will benefit our students in a high demand field,” said Michael Baszler, Goodrich High School principal. […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the regular meeting Monday night, the Brandon Board of Education voted 7-0 to approve a cooperative agreement with Jeff Cooper of Oly Swim Club to run the aquatic center. “We’re really thrilled about this opportunity,” said district superintended Dr. Karl Heidrich. “Jeff is a long time community member, and […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer During the regular Monday night meeting, the Brandon board of education voted 7-0 to hire Sarah Walker as the welding and metal teacher at the high school for the upcoming school year. “That position has been open for five or six years, and during that time, we periodically posted that […]