Thank you Good Times Dear Editor, On behalf of the Atlas Township Fire Department, I would like to send a thank you out to The Good Times in Goodrich Committee. We were presented with a check for $750 to help us purchase new boots for our firefighters. Chief Bullen and I have been making sure […]
Thank you Wojo’s Dear Editor, The Village of Ortonville along with the community thank Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of the beautiful mums in the street planters through the downtown area this season. They brighten up the downtown area, and the continued support of Wojo’s Greenhouse is greatly appreciated. Bob […]
Thank you Dear Editor, My Cup runneth over!!! THANK YOU to everyone for the great cards, flowers, dinner, gifts, cake and outpouring of love, congratulating me on being chosen as one of Brandon’s Distinguished Blackhawk Wall of Fame Honorees!!! I am so very honored and humbled to be included with all of the other outstanding […]
Support Brandon bond Dear Editor, We are writing this letter in support for the 2021 Brandon School District Bond Proposal. We’ve been involved in the community since 1990 and have lived in the community since 1995. Our 2 children grew up in the Brandon School district. The Fire Department, Police Department and School System are […]
31st Annual Septemberfest Dear Editor, Brandon Township Parks and Recreation has been honored to host our 31st Annual Septemberfest. By our side were our many support groups and businesses with a majority of funding coming from Presenting Sponsor, Genisys Credit Union of Ortonville. Many other sponsorships that were very helpful are, Consumers Energy, MSU Federal […]
(In response to, Bob McArthur 2021 Citizen of the Year, The Citizen, Sept. 18, page 11) Citizen of the Year Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate Bob McArthur on his award for his work with the BGYA. If anyone knows how much he’s done for the youth of this community, it would be me […]
Support Brandon School bond Dear Editor, As past parents and present grandparents of Brandon School District students, and over 43 years as residents of Groveland Township, we encourage voters in the district to support the upcoming bond proposal on November 2nd, which features a ZERO (0) millage rate increase. If this proposal is approved, the […]
Back to school Dear Editor, I am sure there are many families out there who thought sending their children “Back to School” was never going to happen, but it did happen, and there could never be enough thank you to our “awesome” community who always come together to help our neighbor in need. A very […]
Vote yes on bond Dear Editor, This is for parents and grandparents of our younger Brandon School students. My family has lived in the Brandon School District for a quarter of a century. My two kids are Brandon graduates of 2014 & 2015. I know how important it is for learning that students have great […]
Old Mill Legends Dear Editor, Last month the Ortonville Community Historical Society and the Old Mill Museum hosted their annual picnic. The group made a few adjustments to accommodate everyone’s needs, but it was enjoyable for all who attended. First, everyone brought their own picnic food and ate together inside the cafe area. After a […]