Letters to the Editor April 4, 2020

Achievements (In response to, “Wake up,” a letter by Deborah Okolovitch, The Citizen, March 21, page 6) Dear Editor, Bonnie (Beltramo) you win the argument hands down. Keep up your great letters against the Red Hat Choir. It is beyond belief why they adore the self loving faux president who is obsessed by the success […]

Letters to the Editor March 28

Census 2020 Dear Editor, I encourage every household to participate in the 2020 Census. Most of us should have received information via the United States Post Office. You can respond to the Census online. The Census provides data that supports senior resources, infrastructure (highways and bridges to name a few), children (which includes education, school […]

Letters to the Editor March 21, 2020

Ortonville stands strong! Dear Editor, In the midst of yet another adversity, Ortonville stands strong. With the unprecedented ever changing COVID-19 outbreak, our community shines with grace, compassion, support and unity. Discussions overheard from community members checking on neighbors who self quarantine for safety, sharing groceries or toiletries with each other, social media posts offering […]

Letters to the Editor March 14, 2020

Angry old man Dear Editor, Just a few remarks concerning Bernie Sanders. I sure hope he is not the democratic nominee this year. In fact he isn’t even a democrat. He is a socialist. He promises free college, free health care, is he also going to pay our house payment, or rent, or food bill? […]

Letters to the editor March 7, 2020

Thank you Dear Editor, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Linkowski family. A year ago, their daughter Corinn died following a tragic head-on crash on M-15. This past Sunday, their daughter Genavieve was a contestant on American Idol and the Linkowski’s wanted to thank all the first responders on that accident. We were […]

Letters to the Editor Feb. 29, 2020

Euchre fundraiser Dear Editor, Recently I attended the Goodrich Cemetery euchre tournament fundraiser at Cranberries Cafe, 10250 Hegel Road, Goodrich. I would like to compliment the Cemetery Board on a wonderful event. The detailed organization, camaraderie, food, and card-play was excellent. There were local Goodrich and Ortonville friends playing as well as people from all […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 22, 2020

(In response to “Prosperity is a good thing,” a letter by Paul S. Lucas, The Citizen, Feb. 15, page 6) Trump Choir Boy Dear Editor, So once again we hear from the discombobulate Trump Choir Boy of the Fox Newsy Tribe. They can’t carry a tune, but tote Trump’s water. Lost in the swamp of […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 15, 2020

Vote yes for students Dear Editor, Being a Blackhawk is something that I have had the privilege to be a part of. Our community is one like no other; in times of need we come together and react as one big family. Although this is not a time of crisis, it is a time where […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 8, 2020

Remove Trump Dear Editor, To my family, friends and also to my republican friends, and yes, I do have a few. I’m sure we have all been watching a lot of TV these days, just as I am. I hope you’re watching with an open mind, as I am. If so, I believe we can […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 1

YES for Brandon Bond Dear Editor, We live in Brandon and have two children who recently graduated from Brandon High School and two more still attending Brandon schools. Brandon is a special district with much to offer students and the community. Brandon offers a wide variety of academic and extracurricular opportunities; and yet is able […]

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