Community mourns

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer On Dec. 1, the Brandon School District was closed due to staffing shortages a reflection of the connectivity to the Oxford community. The district was also closed due to potential threats on Dec. 2 At 12:51 p.m., on Nov. 30, Ethan Crumbly, a 15-year-old Oxford High School student opened fire […]

Santa arrives:Goodrich Downtown Christmas

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-From 5-8 p.m., Dec. 9, Santa Claus will return to Goodrich Downtown Christmas. Santa is expected to be seeking both the naughty and nice during the evening. “The annual downtown Christmas event will be bigger and more festive than ever this year,” said Jenny McKenzie, event coordinator “There’s plenty of new […]

Flint Area Narcotics Group

By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- On Sept. 28, Flint Area Narcotics Group detectives, working with Department of Homeland Security, conducted a controlled delivery of a kilo of cocaine coming from Belize to an address in Flint. The suspect fled when a team of officers approached the residence with a search warrant. A lengthy pursuit […]

OCEF: Annual 2021Christmas distribution

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The Ortonville Community Emergency Fund Food Pantry is seeking donations for their annual Christmas distribution. “It was decided that due to continued challenges and concerns related to the pandemic, additional Bueche gift cards will be distributed to the at-risk families in place of the extra food they would normally receive […]

Two new funding sources for eyed for dam repair

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- A new source of funding could soon be available to upgrade the village dam. On Nov. 8, the village council authorized Village Administrator/Clerk Sheri Wilkerson to work with Kevin Cook project manager of Wade Trim to secure funding through a proposed Dam Risk Reduction Revolving Loan Fund. The council is […]

Books of thanks

Books of thanks

From left, Emily Burny, Madison Speirs and Weston Liquia, students at Reid Elementary School create, “Thankful turkey books,” just before the Thanksgiving break. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Substitute teacher need still great

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-On Monday night the board of trustees raised substitute teacher rates from $85 to $95 per day. “Several districts have (raised their rates),” said Wayne Wright, district superintendent. “We are not going to get any more, rather we want to keep what we have.” While finding and retaining employees continues to […]

Christmas in the Village

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- Christmas in the Village is back this year after the holiday festivities were canceled last year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The grand marshal of this year’s Christmas parade is Joe Greene, general manager of Randy Wise Ford. “We’re recognizing him as the grand marshal because of his support […]

Long-time Groveland Township planner to retire

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-For more than a quarter of century Jenny Sevigny has served the township on the planning commission. Earlier this month she announced her retirement. “If I live here I should be active here,” said Sevigny. “I love Groveland Township, we’ve strived to maintain the rural charter and it’s been an […]

Village MCC rally draws crowd

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-On Nov. 20, The Michigan Conservative Coalition hosted a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ rally in Crossman Park in downtown Ortonville. The event was planned in about a week. The phrase ‘Let’s go Brandon’ comes from a reporter who misheard a chant at a Nascar race. The crowd was chanting ‘(explicative) Joe […]