By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-On Monday night, the village council voted 7-0 to approve a resolution that the village is interested in applying for another Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant. “We will be eligible for grant applications for this calendar year,” said village clerk Liz Edwards. “After discussions with trustee (Pat) George and […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville-In 2018, the Trump Administration placed tariffs, or taxes, on goods imported into the US from a number of countries, and the effects of that are now being felt, even locally. At the Monday night meeting of the Ortonville Village Council, the village clerk, Liz Edwards, informed the council of […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- Wright will stay. That’s the word on Monday night when the school board of trustees voted 6-0 to approve Wayne Wright to new two year contract as district superintendent. Trustee Chip Schultz was absent with notice. Wright, was hired on June 29, 2019 at a special meeting as an interim […]
By David Fleet Editor Jerry Warner refers to dining on “scout food.” “Pancakes cooked in a frying pan over an open fire—burned to a crisp on the outside, raw on the inside,” said Warner, a Goodrich Boy Scout leader for more than 20 years who has participated in a countless campouts along with a host […]
Ella Miller and Macy Roberts, Brandon High School juniors check out personal budget information during Reality Awareness day on Feb. 14. Photo by Patrick McAbee. By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Curtis Martin just wants to be able to afford rent and a pug on a radio host’s salary. On Feb. 14, Brandon High School Juniors […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-By a 4-0 vote on Tuesday night the township board of trustees approved a plaque to be placed in the community hall for Rudi Deschner. Township Supervisor Tere Onica was absent with notice. Deschner, who passed away on Feb. 3, 2020 at 87 years old, served on the Goodrich and […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.-M-15 is busy and dangerous—especially for emergency responders. “Almost 20 percent of our calls are vehicle accident related,” said Ed Klimek, assistant chief, Atlas Township Fire Department. “Most of these accidents occur on M-15 which is one of the highest-traveled two-lane roads in Genesee County.” Between 2004 and 2009 there […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The annual Sharin’ O’ the Green fundraiser is here. The fundraiser runs through March and benefits the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund. And yet again this year there is an anonymous donor who will match up to $2,000 in donations in the spirt of Roger Duval, who founded Sharin’ O’ the […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp.- By a 4-0 vote on Tuesday night the township board of trustees authorize the township attorney to proceed with filing action to clear thetitle on the Atlas Cemetery, and to budget no more than $10,000 for the process. Township Supervisor, Tere Onica was absent with notice. The cemetery, located […]
By David Fleet Editor After more than three years the Ortonville Chamber of Commerce is on the cusp of a comeback. The reboot will begin from 5-7 p.m., March 5, Real Estate One, 875 S. Ortonville Road, will host an informal reception to discuss creating a new Chamber of Commerce in Ortonville. “The mission of […]