Thank you Lions Dear Editor, The Village or Ortonville would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Ortonville Lions Club for the replacement of a portion of the carpeting at Old Town Hall. Your contribution to the Village of Ortonville and the maintenance of our historic buildings is appreciated. Ortonville Village Office Staff […]
(In response to, Village savings top $7K with LED bulbs, The Citizen, March 30, 2019, page 4). Thanks to Dylus Dear Editor, Many thanks to previous Village Councilman Keith Dylus who was instrumental in initiating the transition to LED lighting for the Village owned buildings and street lighting. Mr. Dylus was active for months, reviewing […]
(In response to, Blackhawk back to Big House, The Citizen, March 16, page 3) Big house Dear Editor, I really enjoyed your article regarding Bryce Chamberlain’s return to the big house in a big way. I found this heartfelt story very interesting and articulate. It’s enjoyable to read a success story following a tragic accident. […]
Editors note:During the 2018 holiday season, the Ortonville Sewing Club stuffed 300 stockings with donated Halloween candy supplied by the Oxford Schools and Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. The sewing club hosted four packing parties to help stuff and sewed the stockings for Desert Angels to send to troops overseas.Below are some of the responses from […]
Proposed Gas Tax Dear Editor, When Governor Gretchen Whitmer was campaigning she told us she was going to raise our gas taxes. Well, now she is keeping her campaign promise (isn’t that a novel idea) and people are outraged. People are asking, “Where is all the money we already paid (we are the State with […]
Parks and Rec thank you Dear Editor, Brandon Township Parks & Recreation was honored to host our annual Daddy Daughter Dance and Mother Son Date Night on Thursday, February 21, 2019. We could not have done it without the help and support of Brandon School district and our presenting sponsor Genisys Credit Union. We would […]
Thank you Dr. Lowenstein Dear Editor: I want to publicly thank Dr. Linda Lowenstein, on behalf of the Ortonville Historical Society, for donating an “old” medical cabinet she inherited from her predecessor, Dr. Paul Schoen. It will be proudly displayed in our museum as an artifact from the local community. Already we have heard comments […]
O.A.T.S. Volunteer of the Year Dear Editor, O.A.T.S. would like to congratulate Fred Pellerito who was just selected as the PATH, International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) Region 4 volunteer of the year. Region 4 encompasses Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Ontario. Fred is always willing to do to whatever is required to help O.A.T.S. […]
BGYA thank you Dear Editor, The end of 2018 brought several generous donations from our community. These funds will be put to good use for funding summer camp, sports programs, Challenge Day, and 15 videos for casework youth. BGYA has a long list of activities and without donations, sponsor fees, and fundraisers these activities for […]
(In response to “I’m not surprised”, a letter by Paul S. Lucas, The Citizen, January 19, Page 6) Dump this clown Dear Editor, I agree with Paul Lucas, I didn’t care for the language the newly elected representative used during a private engagement when referring to impeaching the current president but I don’t care for […]