Letters to the editor March 3

Parks and Rec thank you Dear Editor, Brandon Township Parks & Recreation was honored to host our annual Daddy Daughter Dance and Mother Son Date Night on Thursday, February 21, 2019. We could not have done it without the help and support of Brandon School district and our presenting sponsor Genisys Credit Union. We would […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 23

Thank you Dr. Lowenstein Dear Editor: I want to publicly thank Dr. Linda Lowenstein, on behalf of the Ortonville Historical Society, for donating an “old” medical cabinet she inherited from her predecessor, Dr. Paul Schoen. It will be proudly displayed in our museum as an artifact from the local community. Already we have heard comments […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 16

O.A.T.S. Volunteer of the Year Dear Editor, O.A.T.S. would like to congratulate Fred Pellerito who was just selected as the PATH, International (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) Region 4 volunteer of the year. Region 4 encompasses Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Ontario. Fred is always willing to do to whatever is required to help O.A.T.S. […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 9

BGYA thank you Dear Editor, The end of 2018 brought several generous donations from our community. These funds will be put to good use for funding summer camp, sports programs, Challenge Day, and 15 videos for casework youth. BGYA has a long list of activities and without donations, sponsor fees, and fundraisers these activities for […]

Letters to the editor Feb. 2

(In response to “I’m not surprised”, a letter by Paul S. Lucas, The Citizen, January 19, Page 6) Dump this clown Dear Editor, I agree with Paul Lucas, I didn’t care for the language the newly elected representative used during a private engagement when referring to impeaching the current president but I don’t care for […]

Letters to the editor Jan. 26

(In response to, Thank you Goodrich, a letter by Lynn Hoffman and Mark Trowbridge, The Citizen, page 6, Jan. 15) Old News Boys Dear Editor, Let me add my thanks to and admiration for the Old Newsboys Goodfellows described in the January 19 letter by Lynn Hoffman and Mark Trowbridge. Our family moved to Michigan […]

Letters to the editor Jan. 19

Thank you Goodrich Dear Editor, On Dec. 17 a group of citizens stood on the corner of M-15 and Hegel Road, collecting money for the Old Newsboys of Genesee County. For each $20 collected, a child receives a nice age appropriate gift, sweat suit and socks. This organization has been around since 1924 with the […]

Letter to the editor Jan. 12

I hope she’s a brawler Dear Editor, Here’s a bit of the letter I sent to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House: I suggested she not criticize Representative Rashida Tlaib, newly elected to Michigan’s 13 District. Ms. Tlaib made headlines before the sun set on her first day in office. Not because she admitted she […]

Letters to the editor Dec. 29

Luminaries Dear Editor, Christmas Eve luminaries in Ortonville is a tradition shared with multiple generations, out of town family and friends, social media photos opportunities, and new and seasoned visitors alike. Thank you for the gifts of time and labor from many generous volunteers who stepped away from the holiday bustle of shopping, decorating, cooking, […]

Letters to the editor Dec. 22

Thank you Ortonville Dear Editor, On behalf of our whole team, The Ortonville Sewing Club: Arlene, Lisa, Jull, Lin, Deb, Helen, Sharon, Kathy, Chris, Priscilla, Elaine, Janet and I, THANK YOU ORTONVILLE!!!!! We have been so blessed by this wonderful community with support for our mission. We had several fundraisers to raise money to buy […]

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