Two appointed to township boards

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- On Tuesday night, the township board voted 7-0 to appoint Scott Broughton to the Fire Authority board as well as to appoint Jason Gault to the Board of Review. Past treasurer Terri Darnall was on the Fire Authority Board, but she resigned before the term was over. Likewise, […]

Township millage rates dip

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The millage rates are going down for this tax year. “The public should be happy to know that the millage rates are going to go down about half a mill,” said township supervisor Kathy Thurman. “The Fire Department is staying the same, the township operating went down slightly […]

New contract for liaison officer

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- The township board voted 7-0 to approve the 2020-2021 Intergovernmental Agreement to provide a Police Liaison Officer for the Brandon School District starting Sept. 8, 2020-June 17, 2021. “This contract is very similar to last year,” said Township Supervisor Kathy Thurman. “The dates have been changed a little […]

Labor Day 2020

Labor Day 2020

An American Flag at Ron and Candee Allen’s home in Brandon Township. Photo by Patrick McAbee.

Groveland vote recount

By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-A recount will decide a close Republican supervisors race in the township. On Aug. 21, a recount was filed by candidate Kevin Scramlin, contesting the results of the Aug. 4 township supervisor primary election for the Republican party. At 9:30 a.m., Sept. 3, four members of the county board of […]

Fraud, larceny alert in Brandon Township

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Brandon Substation is warning residents to be on alert for a few crimes in the village and township. “Our frauds seem to be up,” said substation commander Lt. Greg Glover. “Phone scams and suspicious people going house to house, looking in the windows, claiming […]

Crossman Park drain project moves forward

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- While the Crossman Park drain project is underway, it’s uncertain when construction will start. At a special meeting on Aug. 27, the council discussed the bids with village manager Dale Stuart. “This is a particular job where the price has come in much higher than we anticipated it coming […]

Council reappoints three planning commissioners

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- The village council voted on Aug. 27 to reappoint three planning commissioners to three-year terms, Rick McAvinchy, Lee Palshan and Bob McArthur. “Lee Palshan and Rick McAvinchy, both of their terms have expired May 31,” said president Tonja Brice. “Planning commission has not met since February, so we would […]

Village road paving project eyed

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Ortonville- At a special meeting on Aug. 27, the village council approved, 7-0, to have a topographic survey done for the pavement plan for Hummer Lake Road between Crescent Hills Drive and Evergreen Ridge. “We’re basically going to do a resurfacing, but with some drainage and some protection for those […]

Sign of the times

Sign of the times

Krista Stroup, a teacher at Reid Elementary School sorting out school supplies and activities into ‘inboxes’ for each student. The Goodrich School District is set to open Sept. 8. Photo by Patrick McAbee.