Letters to the Editor Nov. 5, 2022

Veteran’s Day To the citizens of this country on Veteran’s Day. We have a unique ‘ism’ in this country. It’s called ‘Americanism’. We as Americans have two days we honor our nation’s finest. ‘Memorial Day’ we honor those we lost, and those among us ‘Veteran’s Day’. On this day, we honor those who left their […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 22, 2022

Building a Better Brandon On Nov. 8 the voters of Brandon Township face several local proposals, one of which is whether to allow limited marijuana facilities in Brandon Township. I, like many other Brandon voters, received a flyer from a group called Building a Better Brandon. On the surface, it seems like it is proposing […]

Letters to the Editor, Oct. 15, 2022

Please vote Brandon School District Voters: As a 26 plus year district and community member I am encouraging you to vote for Kim Smith-Kulaga, Vinny Bills and Herb Robinson for Brandon School Board. I know and understand what is needed to be on this school board. Smith-Kulaga, Bills, and Robinson are all Brandon Blackhawk Amuni! […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 8, 2022

Honor to Serve It has been a true honor to serve our community, staff, administrators and most importantly, our students.  It has been an incredible journey.  It was with a heavy heart that I resigned from my position on the Brandon Board of Education due to health and personal reasons which included the unexpected loss of […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 1

Proposal 3 Get the facts: Vote No on the Reproductive Freedom for All!  Based on the “wording’’ of the proposed amendment, this initiative seeks to allow abortions up to, and including, the day of birth in our state constitution!  It seeks to eliminate dozens of Michigan laws that presently regulate abortion.  These include parent consent […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 24, 2022

Thank you Ortonville Since 2014, my passion and commitment has been to give what I can, when I can, and however I can to our community. Together, we have accomplished so many great things that make our Village stronger, wiser, and more successful. It has truly been an honor to work for, alongside, and behind […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 17

Thank you Doug There are people that you meet in life who are truly special.  Who leave a lasting impact on you based upon who they are, what they do, and what they represent.  Doug McAbee was one of those people to so many of us. My first meeting with Doug was at the local […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 10, 2022

Wolfe Road The illegal Truck traffic on Wolfe Road has been increasing all summer. Over three-12 hour periods, I have recorded 146 trucks using Wolfe Road. Thirteen of these were semi-trucks, many other trucks used the road several times each.  It is about time our enforcement and regulatory agencies acknowledge and accept that this is both […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 3, 2022

Promote the vote (In response to, ‘Locals rally,’ a letter by Jay R. Taylor, The Citizen, Aug. 27, 2022, Page 4) Last week the letter from Jay R. Taylor quoted a woman from Clarkston insinuating that the proposed amendment on Michigan’s November ballot called “Promote the Vote” weakens our ability to know whether the voter […]

Letters to the Editor August 13, 2022

What is pro life? Shouldn’t government deciding to end abortions understand embryology? Long term consequences? Responsibility for both parents? Most seeking abortion for reasons other than medical issues do so in the first trimester, when the fetus is not viable and there is no brain. It takes 28 weeks until the embryo senses touch , hearing and […]

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