Angels in Ortonville We have angels in Ortonville. I was visited by several of them on Saturday, May 6th. They came in all sizes and ages, from toddlers to adults. They were from Woodside Bible Church. It was Robert Mullen and friends. They were here to work on my yard and work they did. Thy […]
Rocking and Raking I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers who helped clean the yards and flowerbeds of 23 area senior citizens on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The weather definitely wasn’t the greatest but the volunteers braved the cold and rain and got the jobs done. These volunteers are […]
Thank you Wojo’s The Village of Ortonville along with the community thank Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of the beautiful flowers in the street planters through the downtown area this season. They brighten up the downtown area, and the continued support of Wojo’s Greenhouse is greatly appreciated. Bob Hauxwell Ortonville […]
Old Mill Thank You We want to thank and acknowledge Bernie Solo and his son, Tyler for repairing our “Little” Old Mill replica. The Ortonville Woodworker’s Club created this model in 2004, and it was in working order for many years, but in recent times it has needed some attention. We’re so pleased to once […]
OCEF Thank you Thank you Ortonville Community for filling the truck for OCEF (Ortonville Community Emergency Fund) last Sunday at Bueches. We were blessed with beautiful weather and lots of friendly, generous donors! Not only was the truck filled to the top, but we also collected $519 cash and $200 in Bueches gift cards. This […]
Contact MPSC The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is supposed to represent the customers of our public utilities. The MPSC is a politically appointed panel, appointed by the governor. In the latest storm, the MPSC’s latest proposal of $35per day reimbursement is a slap in the face to customers. DTE is being questioned as to […]
Hadley and Oakwood (In response to Hadley-Oakwood intersection, road expansion, work set for summer, The Citizen Newspaper, Feb. 11, 2023, page 1.) I read with great interest the recent article in the Citizen regarding the reconstruction of the Oakwood / Hadley intersection, particularly the comments of Craig Bryson, senior manager of communications for the Road […]
Longing for solutions (In Response to ‘Unlock our hearts’, a letter by Walt Dilber, The Citizen, Feb. 18, page 4) I read Mr. Dilber’s Letter “Unlock our hearts” last week with sorrow. All I pictured was a sad and confused person trying to find sense in another senseless shooting. I confess to my own bewilderment. […]
Unlock our hearts We are again mourning the deaths of students killed in our schools. Our politicians and news media ask why. Many years ago were moved God from our schools and satin was let in. Our politicians will again blame guns but they will not look into the mirror and see the real problem, […]
Thank You Thank you for the love and support during my time of loss of my husband, Ed Gromek Jr. (6-6-1945/12-24-2022). We celebrated our 50th Anniversary on April 29, 2022. I have a broken heart, but I am fortunate to have an amazing family and many friends. A special thank you to Fr. Craig Marion, […]