Letters to the Editor, Oct 21, 2023

Vote yes Brandon School District Community Voters please vote YES on the Brandon School District NON-HOMESTEAD Operating Millage RENEWAL.  This renewal tax is on non-homestead properties only.  It is NOT an increase or renewal for those of us in our primary home.  The renewal only applies to businesses and second homes in the district.  It […]

Letters to the Editor Oct. 7, 2023

Vote Yes in Goodrich I write to express my enthusiastic support for the upcoming Goodrich Area School Sinking Fund Proposal, which will be on the ballot on November 7th. As a local business owner, mother of three Martians, and a citizen of Goodrich for nearly 18 years, this proposal holds the promise of securing a […]

Letters to the Editor Sept. 30, 2023

Thank you Wojo’s The Village of Ortonville along with the community thank Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood Road, Brandon Township for their donation of the beautiful mums in the street planters through the downtown area this season. They brighten up the downtown area, and the continued support of Wojo’s Greenhouse is greatly appreciated. Bob Hauxwell Ortonville […]

Letters to the Editor September 2, 2023

OCEF Thank you Thank you, thank you, thank you! We cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Please know grateful we are to everyone who so generously donated school supplies and gave of their time to our OCEF 2023 School Supply Project. We would like to thank Brandon Township Public Library, all of the area […]

Letters to the Editor August 12, 2023

Thank you Walk, Bike, Run Atlas Township wants to thank the 117 respondents who took the time to answer questions about the placement of safe, multi-use trails in Atlas Township. Your input was used to guide the location of new sidewalks and pathways throughout the community. You can keep up to date on the committee’s […]

Letters to the Editor August 5, 2023

(In response to “Guidelines for village pickleball courts discussed,” The Citizen, July 29, 2023, page 11.) Pickleball courts I offer the following commentary: The two new pickleball courts located within Sherman Park, on Ball Street, Ortonville have only been made possible through the visionary pursuit of Brandon Township Clerk Roslyn Blair and Township Recreation Director […]

Letters to the Editor July 15, 2023

Hannah’s Legacy The Hannah’s Legacy Foundation would like to thank the 100 golfers and 130 dinner guests that attended our 6th annual golf outing at Atlas Valley Country Club on June 17th. The generosity of the golfers, sponsors, and community raised over $20,000. We want to recognize the volunteers who helped with registration and the prize […]

Letters to the Editor June 17, 2023

Flag Day Thank you to everyone that made a donation for a flag June 10 at Bueche’s the VFW Post 582 raised over $1,100. The funds will go towards the VFW scholarship program at the middle school’s Patriot’s Pen and high school Voice of Democracy essay contest. The VFW Post is in need of new […]

Letters to the Editor June 10, 2023

Thank you On Sunday, May 28th, about 11 a.m., I had finished my shopping at Bueche’s in Ortonville. I drove to Rite Aid and noticed my purse was missing. I had forgotten it on the bottom shelf of my shopping cart. I had left my cart with several others together in the parking lot. I […]

Letters to the Editor May 20, 2023

Rocking and Raking I want to thank all of the people who helped with the Rockin’ and Rakin’ at my house. They are amazing people – very pleasant and hard-working. They left before I could thank them. (I did thank them when they first came to my door. But needed to tell them how much […]

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